Search results

  1. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    syal's shop

    I sent a message in Discord. Wanted to buy Laser [Demon's] [0/0/35/0|55] - 1pd
  2. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    Damoi's Trade List

    Lame d'Argent [0/0/15/0|0] [16K] = 3pd Andree#0900 or deletesystem_32 on Discord.
  3. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A/ Stealth Suit [0/0 | 15/25] [3S] (Event) CHB:27 (Done)

    @keyconfig, Congratulations. You won the auction! I PM'd you on Discord!
  4. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A/ Stealth Suit [0/0 | 15/25] [3S] (Event) CHB:27 (Done)

    Timer reset. CHB: (25) by danmct
  5. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A/ Stealth Suit [0/0 | 15/25] [3S] (Event) CHB:27 (Done)

    Self description Reserve: 5PDs Min Bid: 2PDs Countdown: 48h Reset: 48h Wants: PDs! Good luck. Discord is deletesystem_32 for more info! Edit: I also added Reset, thought that countdown was 48h everytime someone bid. Thanks in advance and sorry of the inconvenience.
  6. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    Giveaway: Red Ring* [56/85] [17/25] (Purple Paint)

    I've been doing incountable times TTFs, till that fact I reached 184. I am not touching my 1st char until I get a RR for her. *and probably won´t* to hit 200 lol. Need RR plz xd
  7. Andre Reyna Zevallos


    Did I win? XD
  8. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A> 15/0/35/0|20H HS

  9. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    A> Megid 30 (CHB-30)
