Search results

  1. Laranjinha

    A> Heart of Sorcerer's Cane (SOLD 28PDs)

    @Azzy wins! 28pd. Contacting winner via discord
  2. Laranjinha

    A> Heart of Sorcerer's Cane (SOLD 28PDs)

    Hooray!! Never too late.
  3. Laranjinha

    A> Heart of Sorcerer's Cane (SOLD 28PDs)

    Auctioning a Heart of Sorcerer's cane. Res: 28PDs 24 hour countdown 24 hour resets (obvs) PCs also accepted at 1:1 ratio to PDs
  4. Laranjinha

    Laranjinha's Skins

    Thanks a lot! I hope to make some more non-weapon skins when I get time.
  5. Laranjinha

    Laranjinha's Skins

    All skins have instructions provided in "readme.txt" MAG Skins Area Skins Monster Skins
  6. Laranjinha

    A> L&K38 [0/0/0/30|35]

  7. Laranjinha

    A little bit of my own work on Vanilla HD

    Sounds like a lot of faff. The results definitely look worth it though!
  8. Laranjinha

    A>Armor Bank [DONE]

    18, gimme gimme
  9. Laranjinha

    A> Dark Flow 0/0/35/0|85 - SOLD 1600 (FoiFoi)

    Oh yes, since Erebea's bid, not yours. Sorry. I was mixing up the times. So yes, you're the winner!
  10. Laranjinha

    A> Dark Flow 0/0/35/0|85 - SOLD 1600 (FoiFoi)

    30 minutes more
  11. Laranjinha

    A> Dark Flow 0/0/35/0|85 - SOLD 1600 (FoiFoi)

    Bump Just 26 hours to go CHB ^^^
  12. Laranjinha

    A> Dark Flow 0/0/35/0|85 - SOLD 1600 (FoiFoi)

    Minimum bid: 700 Countdown: 72 hours Wants: PDs
  13. Laranjinha

    A little bit of my own work on Vanilla HD

    This is turning out to be really amazing! Can't wait to see the other improvements as you do them.