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  1. SirLagsAlot

    Switch Pro Controller - half working

    Yeah for the switch pro you are going to need this driver to have it read as xinput Then joy2key will be able to pick up and do any other custom mappings you might want.
  2. SirLagsAlot

    Switch Pro Controller - half working

    Try playing without using steam. Then see if you can remap the controls. If you have/want to use custom mappings later (for things like number keys etc). I suggest using joy2key instead. Good luck!
  3. SirLagsAlot

    A tip for Dark Falz phase 3 ^-^

    Nice tip!! For the final phase I’ve noticed you can glitch DF if you keep firing at him the entire time and you can prevent him from going up at all this way!!
  4. SirLagsAlot

    The Halloween Event has begun! (ハロウィンイベント開始!)

    Finally you guys made it different than “2k across all difficulties”. Already farmed 1 on CCC white (the best hunt for this event for all the n00bs out there). Interesting that the event quests get boosted bringing it to 1/1200 on those quests…. Still not nearly as many monsters per minute as...
  5. SirLagsAlot

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Ok then that will work greatly… 55h??? Nice you have an amazing one, probably one of the best on the server tbh. If you have an s rank rifle then basically the only special that would ever be added to that is Zalure btw. Any other special is terrible for that.
  6. SirLagsAlot

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Holy ray and rifle are single target. By arrest s rank I assume you mean needle/shot? Those are multi target (there would be no reason to make an arrest s rank single target weap because of the weapons formerly mentioned). So between holy ray 55h and arrest rifle 50h…. For the “rifle” you...
  7. SirLagsAlot

    A > Guilty Light [15/0/0/0|90] CHB: 5 (CLOSED)

    So glad to win… I paid 55 pd for a 80h before…. So sorry…….
  8. SirLagsAlot

    Heya! New-ish to Ephinea

    Gz epic drop bro. Welcome to Ephinea and see you around!
  9. SirLagsAlot

    GC player hopping in!

    Welcome to Ephinea!! If you ever want to be powerleveled let me know! Just say hi to any of my chars in my sig if you see me online. Enjoy your stay!
  10. SirLagsAlot

    Looking for gaming buddies

    Sup dude! You seem chill bro! I turn 30 in a couple days lol I’m hella down to game brosef. I can help you powerlevel too if that interests you. I’m in the pacific time zone, I’ll send you a message too.
  11. SirLagsAlot

    Narutos Ramen Restaurant! =3

    That’s so cool! I’ve gotta check out some of these spots one day lol… thanks for showing us them!
  12. SirLagsAlot

    Upcoming events?

    Yea I joined around 2k17 so I unfortunately missed the boat as well due to being a n00b and captivated with HardCore mode as a n00b lol. I guess people just blew through the game mode using FO. I can’t say for certain but it’s probably a huge factor as to why they never did a second seasons...
  13. SirLagsAlot

    Praying for Ephineans in TAMPA!

    Oh no! I will send White Magick that way. I hope you are not in harms way as well Mew!
  14. SirLagsAlot

    What are you listening to?

    Had to euthanize my dog (my best friend) a couple days ago This song has helped me
  15. SirLagsAlot

    Upcoming events?

    16 days from now (October 24th-Nov 7th)
  16. SirLagsAlot

    Upcoming events?

    Pretty much. You can read all about it on the (hidden) forum of yesteryear. It was pretty broken in favour of FO. Maybe they could ban the FO to balance it…. Last time this was the initial introduction of skins. And you could get spheres...
  17. SirLagsAlot

    Old-Timer Reporting in

    You need a second account
  18. SirLagsAlot

    Upcoming events?

    Amazing write up! Here’s to praying they bring back the scavenger event! And seasons!!!!!
  19. SirLagsAlot

    Miku's mag raising guide

    Yep and even with the quick feed mag strat I can’t feed all 29 within the 3:30 minutes lol.