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  1. SirLagsAlot

    What is your current or ultimate goal?

    FOnewm is sick. Gotta love the post DMC Ephinea!
  2. SirLagsAlot

    (Solved) Xbox controller: Trigger input not working

    Map them to keyboard presses and use a program like joy2key to get around this and then you can also map a bunch of quick pallet stuff too
  3. SirLagsAlot

    Commissioning other epilepsy-friendly mods

    This doesn’t constitute as RWT but people are eternally salty from years ago when the shithack dev ran off with all the money and didn’t back up anyone’s saves lol. Commissioning mods should be fine but people just generally turn up their noses to anything involving money with this game. I...
  4. SirLagsAlot

    The Christmas Event has begun! (クリスマスイベント開始!)

    Totally forgot about ultimate CM’s existence. Gotta try it out sometime lol
  5. SirLagsAlot

    TEAM OnlyHUneys

    OnlyHUneys sounds legit Maybe one day there can be a FOnlyFans team too lol
  6. SirLagsAlot

    The original Phantasy Star Online is being recreated in VR (Forest 1 Demo available now in VRChat)

    Super neat. Never used VR before but now it looks like I’ll have to!
  7. SirLagsAlot

    Long time PSO player, new to Ephinea

    Welcome back. Enjoy Ephinea. You will like how nice the game is with the DMC patch and unlocked DP lol. This is the definitive way to play vanilla PSO (with sprinkles)
  8. SirLagsAlot

    Do the “Section ID cards” have any use? If not, SHOULD they?

    Thank you for making this thread so we can have a discussion on the discussion forums. I don’t find it to be a waste of time to discuss this or speculate because it is interesting and clearly it’s some unused content. Most of these drop at 1/25k~ making it an uber drop. I think it’s safe to...
  9. SirLagsAlot

    Cashmira's Skins ♥

    Great skins and I love your skins! Keep it up! You inspire me to make some of my own one day!!!! (Fires up GIMP)
  10. SirLagsAlot

    Back again for the 3rd time

    Welcome back. It’s cool to see OGs come back The forums are coming back to life lol
  11. SirLagsAlot

    SanicTeam: PvE! (Accepting ALL players 11/22/24!)

    New events in the works… No interest in PVP /pk…….. that’s ok!!!!! PvE in the works!!!!! Events soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. SirLagsAlot

    What is your current or ultimate goal?

    7 years deep in this shit Just looking for hit Never gonna find nothing to note People laughing at me like I’m a joke Perhaps I took the wrong boat, barely afloat; I’m gonna keep hunting never a fronting maybe even take a toke to keep huntin Imma run en 4 I’ll find something huntin for common...
  13. SirLagsAlot

    Same Screen Coop

    You might be able to use a virtual machine to do this (like virtual box) but you also might be going against the ToS rules to stop people from duping drops. But it should be quite obvious you aren’t duping movements so it’s probably fine.
  14. SirLagsAlot

    Maintenance complete for November 8th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 11/8)

    QoL keeps getting better and better….!!!! Ephinea truly is #1!!!!!!
  15. SirLagsAlot

    Greetings all.

    Welcome to Ephinea I really do hope you will enjoy your stay. It’s cool to see OG’s coming back. Let me know if you have any interest in power leveling to 80, I never mind.
  16. SirLagsAlot

    Changing Room Teams

    SanicTeam welcomes any member who just needs team permissions (dressing room, PoD) please message me on here to coordinate a time that you can be added!
  17. SirLagsAlot

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Gz major improvements very quickly from you guys. Super cool to see OG Cartel members back online! Keep it up!
  18. SirLagsAlot

    Switch Pro Controller - half working

    That thread is 6 years old. You did try the betterjoy switch pro xinput application as well?
  19. SirLagsAlot

    Switch Pro Controller - half working

    Yeah so the switch controller won’t read as x input unless you have that driver so that should do the trick
  20. SirLagsAlot

    Trading Cakes for Jack-O'-Lantern (Pioneer Halloween)

    Could be fun to do it a couple times. Do you need to do atleast 2 runs with 4 people each time to get the necessary 8 cakes? About how long does a run take? It could be hard to convince people to do this and I have no friends lol.