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  1. iceman288


    I was able to pretty easily hunt a few of the 1k items by only gambling 1k. Was able to acquire 2 God/Abilities and 2 Three Seals after about 300k worth of gambling. Along with several of the Cure units.
  2. iceman288

    Console veteran new to the server

    Welcome! Hope to see you around! :)
  3. iceman288

    What do you typically do on a fresh char?

    Yes, you just have to select single player mode when creating a game.
  4. iceman288


    Looks like we're gonna come in about 3% under the double exp milestone. Good effort though. We got the other two milestones.
  5. iceman288


    Slackin! Haha. Was hoping we'd see that double exp but I'm not sure if we're gonna make it.
  6. iceman288


    By posting here, isn't that evidence that you noticed it? :)
  7. iceman288

    New job and other ranty stuff

    Didn't even know that part of it. I guess I should be reading up more on the forums haha
  8. iceman288

    New Ephinea Player here

    Now might be a good time to tell you that before level 20, you can change your section ID to whatever you want using a chat command. /modsecID I believe. No need to generate a crazy name for ID purposes. :) Welcome!
  9. iceman288

    Selfie thread.

    Not really a selfie, but here's me with the girl at my work Christmas party.
  10. iceman288

    New job and other ranty stuff

    Welp, shows you how much I know. Someone could have told me Arch was female. :p Sucks that you were harassed on here. I hope things have gotten better and that things are going well with the new job!
  11. iceman288

    what's good ephinea?

    Welcome! :) Ask lots of questions haha.
  12. iceman288


  13. iceman288

    Nina's Mag Daycare [New Adoptables!!] Orders CLOSED.

    Do you raise/babysit mags for Hardcore?
  14. iceman288

    January Update

    I agree with this and wonder if the RR drop might be a little too rare now also. I do think 1/64 was too high but I personally believe the new rate is too low. 1/128 or so sounds about right to me...but hey, I've already got a decent RR so I don't have any skin in the game haha.
  15. iceman288

    New job and other ranty stuff

    Sorry to hear about your troubles here, man. But congrats on the new work gig and hopefully we'll still see you around. :)
  16. iceman288

    Ephinea Christmas Event 2016

    That IceMan luck+++ :)
  17. iceman288


  18. iceman288

    About time haha

    About time haha
  19. iceman288

    Hey Whats Up!

    Welcome fellow GC-er! Enjoy episode 4. :)
  20. iceman288

    New to the server; old to the game.

    Welcome!! Hope to see you around! :)