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  1. Kim Jong Tsun

    Hey what's up people

    Ey, always good to see new players. Welcome to Ephinea, if you're looking for people to help you polish off that rust pretty much everyone here is super nice. Anyways I play a FOnewearl named Tsun and a RAcaseal named Edna so if you see either of those names it's probably me and I'd be glad to...
  2. Kim Jong Tsun

    Can someone tell me why the ending theme to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 is just porn music...

    Can someone tell me why the ending theme to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 is just porn music?
  3. Kim Jong Tsun

    Good to be back!

    Maaan why are all the new comers stronger than me? I'm pretty much in the same boat, played the Gamecube version back in the day and years later when I got disposable income I bought a Dreamcast and PSO Ver 2 out of nostalgia. I also played schthack for like a few months in 2012 but never got...
  4. Kim Jong Tsun

    Hello friend. XD

    Hello friend. XD
  5. Kim Jong Tsun

    Fire Emblem: Heroes

    Oh hey, a Heroes thread for me to necro-post in. I’ve been playing since it came out and I have quite the collection but for the sake of brevity I’ll just show my arena team and my pride and joy. My current arena team consists of However my true pride and joy is my meme build Julia
  6. Kim Jong Tsun


    It’s Edna from Tales of Zestiria. She’s my favorite character in anything ever.
  7. Kim Jong Tsun


    Hey there. I’m fairly new here myself. I was a Gamecube player back in the day so I’ve at least seen Ep 2 before. Anyways welcome, if you see a party named either Tsun or Edna or a FOnewearl or RAcaseal of those names respectively it’s probably me, feel free to join up or say hi.
  8. Kim Jong Tsun

    The rest of Phantasy Star

    Oh don’t worry. Someone linked me to a Chrome extension that lets you download roms from Emuparadise.
  9. Kim Jong Tsun

    The rest of Phantasy Star

    Sadly haven't had any luck with the PS2 rebalance hack. Seems it was coded with a specific PS2 rom in mind and the only site that had it was Emuparadise. -.-
  10. Kim Jong Tsun

    The rest of Phantasy Star

    Well damn, these all look pretty good. I’ll check them out. Thanks [:
  11. Kim Jong Tsun

    The rest of Phantasy Star

    So while I played Phantasy Star Online a fair bit on the Gamecube and a bit of Blue Bullet when it came out I'm actually fairly unfamiliar with the series. I played a little of Phantasy Star Universe and the original game but never got super far in either. Well since I've been really enjoying...
  12. Kim Jong Tsun


    Oh hey! Thanks for all the stuff. We should quest some time.
  13. Kim Jong Tsun


    Oh don't worry about giving me items. I'm the kinda gamer who wants to earn stuff on my own. I'll accept generosity when it's given, yesterday I ran into a HUmar (I think that's the class) that gave me a ton of Meterials, spell disks and like 200,000 Meseta, but I'd much rather we do a quest or...
  14. Kim Jong Tsun


    Don't worry I know. I've been making plenty of use out of my offensive spells, but so far out of the friends I roped into this I'm the only one who can do buffs and debuffs as well as healing the entire party. Basically I still fight but prioritize support when it's needed.
  15. Kim Jong Tsun


    Yeah feel free. Usually playing on US Fodra Block 1. I typically just name my party Tsun if I don't have anything planned so feel free to hop in if you see it. I like it too. I mean I picked it because I wanted to remake my character from when I originally played the game, I just so happened to...
  16. Kim Jong Tsun


    Thank you for the warm welcome. I seem to be doing okay so far. Managed to talk a friend into joining me last night and he decided to stream us playing, bunch of people saw it and joined in. In the end everyone had so much fun we all just kinda decided Tuesday night was PSO night. If I can ask...
  17. Kim Jong Tsun

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I’m watching Steins;Gate 0 since Steins;Gate is one of my top 3 anime. I’m also rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho since that’s getting a new season.
  18. Kim Jong Tsun

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I just want to vent about what an ADD person I am when it comes to games. About a week ago I decided to restart Eternal Sonata on PS3 because I never beat it. Then I decided to play Folklore as well, then I started playing Fire Emblem Gaiden and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Reborn, then PSO, and...
  19. Kim Jong Tsun


    Hey, just joined and figured I’d give the forums a shot. I go by Tsun in game and play a FOnewearl. I’ve got a bit of history with this game, first played when a friend let me borrow the Gamecube version in high school. Recently I was looking after my cousins son and we played the Gamecube...