Search results

  1. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    Did a bit more hunting today. I decided to try going for a Resta Merge after all and so I added Amplifier of Resta and Recovery Barrier to my list. Ran a little in the morning trying to get a AoR to drop from a box in Hard Ruins but no such luck. Arch told me there’s a story quest in Ruins with...
  2. Kim Jong Tsun

    Newbie to the server looking to get back into the game!

    Good to see you joined us here on Ephinea. If you see a black and purple FOnewearl named Tsun say hi, because that’s me. I tend to act as support for new players so I’ll help get you on your feet. Anyways, hope you enjoy it here, the community is pretty good here
  3. Kim Jong Tsun

    If alcohol kills germs does that mean heavy drinking is good when you’re sick? -insert thinking...

    If alcohol kills germs does that mean heavy drinking is good when you’re sick? -insert thinking emoji-
  4. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    It’s okay, you’re forgiven. :p
  5. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    Well, spent a few hours hunting tonight and we've got some good news, some bad news, and more good news. I met up with @Archvile @Ade and met Cheddarino (dunno if he's on the forums or who he is on here) and we decided to hunt in War of Limits #2 because it has a TON of Satellite Lizards which...
  6. Kim Jong Tsun

    I too wish for fwiends.

    I too wish for fwiends.
  7. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    I figured since Arch made his own hunting thread it’d be helpful for me if I had my own. If someone feels this is redundant then my apologies and hopefully you at least got a cheap chuckle out of the name. As for why I need help... you’ll see. So my current hunts are as follows: Glide Divine...
  8. Kim Jong Tsun

    There is nothing in this game that annoys me more than players who run off and leave their party...

    There is nothing in this game that annoys me more than players who run off and leave their party in the dust.
  9. Kim Jong Tsun


    Welcome to the server~ be on the lookout for a smoll FOnewearl named Tsun. That’s me, I do my best to support new players on Ephinea so anything I can do to help ease you back into it I’d be glad to do.
  10. Kim Jong Tsun

    I’m quite enjoying Final Fantasy XIV.

    I’m quite enjoying Final Fantasy XIV.
  11. Kim Jong Tsun

    Finally! A voice of reason!

    Finally! A voice of reason!
  12. Kim Jong Tsun

    Unlock Rico's Glasses to all non-droid females.

    I support this suggestion. I too think glasses are cute. Plus there are so many other great shields out there that it seems unlikely that too many people would use it I think. I mean I’d probably use glasses over my Rabarta Merge but that’s because my priorities are all screwed up. I don’t think...
  13. Kim Jong Tsun

    Cute animals thread

    Some more pics of Daisy~
  14. Kim Jong Tsun

    Cute animals thread

    Neat, my favorite color happens to be blue so this is acceptable.
  15. Kim Jong Tsun

    I mean it got those in ORAS when it gained a Mega evolution.

    I mean it got those in ORAS when it gained a Mega evolution.
  16. Kim Jong Tsun


  17. Kim Jong Tsun

    Cute animals thread

    Well my thread is better!
  18. Kim Jong Tsun

    Cute animals thread

    Did a cursory search to see if there already was one but saw no such thing. I have a little dog that I love like she’s my daughter and apparently I’m a father of the Maes Hughs variety. Soo... LOOK AT MY LITTLE GIRL ISN’T SHE PRECIOUS! She’s such a sweet girl, though she’s super independent most...
  19. Kim Jong Tsun

    Just a drive by ;)

    Welcome to Ephinea. If you need help polishing off the rust keep an eye out for a FOnewearl named Tsun and a RAcaseal named Edna. Both of those are me, I do my best to support new players.
  20. Kim Jong Tsun

    Comment by 'Kim Jong Tsun' in media 'Winter night in the Forest'

    @Rune Yup, Lost Painting.