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  1. Kim Jong Tsun

    Thanks to Brez4Prez for helping out some new players tonight

    Oh... well now don’t I feel like an imbecile.
  2. Kim Jong Tsun

    New player here

    Welcome to Ephinea! If you see a smoll black and purple FOnewearl named Tsun that’s me. I do my best to help out new members to our community so any beginners advice you may need or requests for assistance may be directed at me. Enjoy your nostalgia trip~
  3. Kim Jong Tsun

    Thanks to Brez4Prez for helping out some new players tonight

    Welcome to Ephinea! I’m Tsun, self proclaimed head of the official unofficial welcoming committee. If you see me in game say hi, I’d be happy to provide any assistance you may require.
  4. Kim Jong Tsun


    Welcome to Ephinea! I’m Tsun, self proclaimed head of the official unofficial welcoming committee. If you see a smoll black and purple FOnewearl named Tsun that’s me, so say hi. I do my best to help new members get started here on Ephinea so any help you might need I’ll gladly provide... even if...
  5. Kim Jong Tsun

    It’s gotten so bad even the two Rems can’t tell who’s who

    It’s gotten so bad even the two Rems can’t tell who’s who
  6. Kim Jong Tsun

    Glad to hear you’re okay. When you told me you were going to the hospital and then I didn’t hear...

    Glad to hear you’re okay. When you told me you were going to the hospital and then I didn’t hear from you at all I got a little worried.
  7. Kim Jong Tsun

    Cute animals thread

    My brother bought me a blanket for Christmas and my dog found it and claimed it as her own.
  8. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    It's certainly been a while since I've updated but I've got quite a bit since then. Due to the season I'd actually put off my Glide Divine hunt a while back, most of the Sub Desert runs I'd done had actually been to get a Yas9K for @KatawaFriendo since I knew she wanted one. I also managed to...
  9. Kim Jong Tsun

    Feeling Nostalgic

    Welcome to Ephinea, I hope you enjoy yourself. The community here is honestly one of the better communities I’ve been a part of, so suffice it to say people are pretty chill and friendly here for the most part. Anyways if you ever spot a black and purple FOnewearl named Tsun be sure to say hi...
  10. Kim Jong Tsun

    V801? You mean the Chaos Emeralds?

    V801? You mean the Chaos Emeralds?
  11. Kim Jong Tsun

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    My friend sent this to me
  12. Kim Jong Tsun

    Hey everyone !

    @Harborer of Hope what did you do?! Welcome new friend! Glad you decided to join us, and no noone will get mad at you for asking too many questions, the community here is pretty good. In fact last night someone was complaining Ephinea just wasn’t the same because everyone is TOO nice. Anyways...
  13. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    That's fine with me. Mine has 20% hit so that's an upgrade.
  14. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    That 200 damage with my most powerful level 30 techs on my 150 Mind Mat character with a 145 mind mag begs to differ. Meanwhile everyone else does 800 - 1000 per hit
  15. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    Did another Sub Desert Run or Glide Divine. Still no luck on that front but I got a PD and two L&K14 Combats. I must say though I'm really enjoying this hunt. Perhaps Sub Desert doesn't have the most Satellite Lizards but I feel like running it is making me a better Fo. Before it felt really...
  16. Kim Jong Tsun

    Probably won’t be on too much this weekend. Watching my two little cousins. They like to watch...

    Probably won’t be on too much this weekend. Watching my two little cousins. They like to watch me play old games though so I MIGHT show up.
  17. Kim Jong Tsun

    New-ish PSO Player!

    You’re the head of the OFFICIAL welcoming committee. I’m head of the official unofficial welcoming committee.
  18. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    Oh my bad then. Rem is a good friend so I wanted it to be as clear as possible I was joking. I figured the FE clip (FYI this clip has been memed to hell and back because “Hi Betrayal, I’m Dad”) and the fact I spelled snake as sneke would be pretty clear but I guess I could’ve been clearer.
  19. Kim Jong Tsun

    New-ish PSO Player!

    Nonsense that’s WHY you stream PSO lol Welcome to Ephinea, I’m self appointed head of the official unofficial Ephinea welcoming committee. If you see an adorable little black and purple FOnewearl named Tsun walking about that’s me. I do my best to act as support for newer players. Sometimes...
  20. Kim Jong Tsun

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    We weren’t really calling things. I just told everyone what I was looking for and kinda assumed everyone realized that meant if it dropped it was mine, after all when I’d helped other people hunt for a specific item there was an understanding that if that item dropped it went to whoever was...