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  1. Kevdo


    Yooooooo! You're still alive buddy! How've you been?
  2. Kevdo

    Figured I'd drop back in to say hello

    Look at that, it's been a hot minute since I've seen that name around.
  3. Kevdo

    2000Explorer - Newbie Experience

    Fun read, and really refreshing to see the perspective of a new player! I know we've played before, I have a HUcast named XT7001. I think we did a TTF run. Good luck with the team and hope to see you around in game!
  4. Kevdo

    A>Yasha 0/20/0/0 (CLOSED)

    9 PDs
  5. Kevdo

    A>Yasha 0/20/0/0 (CLOSED)

    5 PDs
  6. Kevdo

    Character suddenly deleted...

    If you're still playing, I don't mind helping you power level a little bit!
  7. Kevdo

    A> Calibur +3 [5/0/0/0l70]

    Lol ah, yeah I was just testing you guys to see if you were paying attention... Yeah, that's it.
  8. Kevdo

    Accidentally Deleted Character

    Makes perfect sense, not so much an issue of *can* you, but *should* you.
  9. Kevdo

    Accidentally Deleted Character

    Can one not recover a character even if one downloads their character data?
  10. Kevdo

    A> Calibur +3 [5/0/0/0l70]

    1 PS 7 PDs By the way, what's the story with the 5 native here? Is this a mistekk or a typo?
  11. Kevdo

    A> Calibur +1 [0/0/0/30l70]

    1 PS 5 PDs
  12. Kevdo

    A> Calibur +3 [5/0/0/0l70]

    1 PS
  13. Kevdo

    Egotrap Update

    Classic TA thread. :wacko:
  14. Kevdo

    WHERE'S Mew??????

  15. Kevdo

    Question about material plans, MAGs, and...expectations?

    I'd like to mention that the mat and mag plans listed on the wiki aren't the ONLY options to max your stats. If you're more interested in DIY, you could figure out your own plan with the gear you want to use, and create a mag plan based on that + the mag you want. Figuring out the stats and...
  16. Kevdo

    Please check party composition before joining games that are 3/4 full.

    I don't think your target audience is going to be reading these forums. I personally don't care myself what people use. When people ask someone to leave because they're not playing the optimal character, I make a note to avoid playing with that individual. This game is far too old and the...
  17. Kevdo

    Randomly getting "No. 100 No Connection Available"

    This issue is really weird, and I've talked with Qwid about it to try and troubleshoot. At this point, I'm curious to know if a clean install of Windows would help, though I know that's not exactly the most practical solution. Beev, have you already tried a clean install by any chance? If not...
  18. Kevdo

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    I don't mean to come across as rude, and I mean this in the most sincere and constructive way possible, but I think you may be misplacing judgement on the importance of SCHTServ as a server. I think the simple fact is we'd like to have all PSO players come together on one server. It's not...
  19. Kevdo

    Extending the olive branch to Schtserv?

    I think Sodaboy summed it up really well. Also, I understand Eistee's initial response. I've played on SCHT since 2007. A lot of us saw a lot of things happen on that server, but that's neither here nor there. At the end of the day, anyone who wants to experience Ephinea is absolutely welcome...
  20. Kevdo

    End of Scavenger Event and HBR Change

    You guys are so nerdy. :)