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  1. Kevdo

    What's up brotha!! Hope you've been doing good man!

    What's up brotha!! Hope you've been doing good man!
  2. Kevdo

    When is offering help/advice warranted versus toxic?

    The answer to the original question is very simple, and this is true in life in general, not just in a video game: Only give people advice when they ask you for it. If they don't ask you for advice, there's probably no need to be giving it unwarranted. Are you the kind of person to walk up to...
  3. Kevdo

    A> Stag Cutlery 0/20/20/0|80 COMPLETE

    2 pd
  4. Kevdo

    Linux - Getting floor reader/add-ons to work

    Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work quite as easily on the steam deck. I've been trying to figure out how to get it to work, but nothing I've tried seems to do it. I would've thought the process would pretty much be the same, but I guess there's something fundamentally different about how...
  5. Kevdo

    Can you play this on Steam Deck?

    Great tip @Ethroden By the way, if you don't see the option to create a Steam shortcut for a game in Lutris, try adding Lutris itself to Steam as a non-steam game. That should give you the option in Lutris to create the Steam shortcuts for games. You can remove Lutris from Steam afterwards if...
  6. Kevdo

    New update broke my setup AGAIN!!!!

    My post right above yours is a quick and easy guide for installing PSO on your Steam Deck.
  7. Kevdo

    New update broke my setup AGAIN!!!!

    For anyone that is having issues running the game on Steam Deck after the latest launcher patch, I have found the simplest solution to this issue after several hours of messing around with it today. I won't go into crazy detail here just because there are many guides online already, but the one...
  8. Kevdo

    Can you play this on Steam Deck?

    For anyone that is having issues running the game after the latest launcher patch, I have found the simplest solution to this issue after several hours of messing around with it today. I won't go into crazy detail here just because there are many guides online already, but the one I used is...
  9. Kevdo

    New update broke my setup AGAIN!!!!

    Hey TangerineDreamer, Would you mind elaborating on this? I'm trying to get PSO to run on my steam deck, but I'm not sure I follow how to do this. I followed the guide to install PSOBB on a different thread: However, I'm fairly certain the problem is that I need Wine to run this .net...
  10. Kevdo

    PSA on boss boxes / containers.

    I'm sure people who didn't know this will use this knowledge to act appropriately and considerately, right? No way anyone uses this to grief the party leader, right? Right? :lenny:
  11. Kevdo

    Baranz Launcher MEGATHREAD

    I recognize a real gamer when I see one.
  12. Kevdo

    Baranz Launcher MEGATHREAD

    *Miss* *Miss* *Miss* :wacko:
  13. Kevdo

    Server maintenance concluded for June 25th, 2022 (6/26 サーバメンテナンス終了)

    Hmm, yeah something really off-putting about how this change was handled. No communication, no warnings, no discussion. A simple "if you don't like it, leave" tone. This reminds me of something, hmmm, it's almost like I've seen this kind of thing before... Disappointing to see. I won't let the...
  14. Kevdo

    Baranz Launcher MEGATHREAD

    Am I the only one who thinks Baranz Launcher isn't worth it because of it's slow projectiles and frequent missing? I don't remember it being that bad before.
  15. Kevdo

    HD UI Project by Luthee (a.k.a Eleria)

    Dude this looks great! Especially the crispy damage numbers. Nice!
  16. Kevdo

    Why so much hype about mechguns?

    With all that being said, I wouldn't worry about what's the most optimal thing. Just play with the weapons you enjoy playing with! Doesn't really matter if you're playing as efficiently as humanly possible.
  17. Kevdo

    Suggestion about controller mapping of the map function. (ctrl+m) + (/map)

    Hey Tiktaks, not that it helps much, but I do have all of the useful slash commands like /lobby and /bank tied to my GameCube controller on buttons. I trigger these with hold commands, so for example in order to trigger /bank, I hold R on my controller for 3 seconds. It's not the most perfect...
  18. Kevdo

    overly long thread about modsectionid and information changes relating to beginners

    I understand the abuse portion of it, but for me, it was simply about enjoying the game. Sometimes, I didn't want to hunt a V502 with my FOmar, sometimes I wanted to hunt a V502 with my HUcast. Changing my IDs let me do that. I could play the character I actually wanted to play while searching...
  19. Kevdo

    overly long thread about modsectionid and information changes relating to beginners

    I wasn't aware a change was made to limit section ID changes. Why'd they do that? I actually really liked that feature, where one could change it every 3 months.
  20. Kevdo

    Fastest way to rack up pattern 4 weapons?

    I absolutely love nerdy threads like this. We just don't see this kind of thing much anymore lol.