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  1. Lobby Without Effects

    Lobby Without Effects

  2. Lab With Effects

    Lab With Effects

  3. Lab Without Effects

    Lab Without Effects

  4. Fire With Effect

    Fire With Effect

  5. Fire Without Effect

    Fire Without Effect

  6. Kevin's Post Processing Pictures

    Kevin's Post Processing Pictures

    Pictures of post processing effects I'm playing with.
  7. Kevdo

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    Step by Step Guide to Install these add ons: 1. Download Eidolon's PSOBB Mod, the file you save should be called "" 2. Download Soly's addons, all contained in a file named "" 3. If you're on Windows 10, right click on each of these downloaded folders and open...
  8. Kevdo

    Favorite Color

    Orange is the only real color. All the other colors are just trying to figure out how to be orange.
  9. Kevdo

    Do casts have some type of soul or are they humanoid?

    I don't believe Dark Falz "takes" your soul at any point, regardless of your character's race. According to the story, he has the ability to take control of any host, presumably the only condition being that the host be sentient. This is implied in the events that lead up to meeting him, facts...
  10. Kevdo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Interesting. So if one had all the items required to make Lafuteria available immediately, then any stat Stink Frame above that 50/20 would result in a max stat Lafu? Otherwise, you'd need a 50/20 Stink Frame to gradually turn it into a max stat Lafu? If that's how that works, that makes a lot...
  11. Kevdo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    If I recall correctly, this was not the case. It needed to be within a specific range. This might not be the case on Ephinea however, so I just want to confirm the information. Although, on second thought, I might be getting this confused with the process of getting a max stat Lafuteria... I...
  12. Kevdo

    PC Guts Thread

    Orange is the best color. Proven to actually improve everything.
  13. Kevdo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Can someone remind me what specific stats are needed on a Stink Shield to get max stat De Rol Le Shield? Also, From the Depths is a fixed stat shield, correct? Meaning I don't have to worry about what stats the shields I use to make it are?
  14. Kevdo

    PC Guts Thread

    I'm reviving this thread because it deserves to be.
  15. Kevdo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Fastest way to Dark Falz? TTF? T_T
  16. Kevdo

    What if most class restrictions were removed on gear? What class would get buffed the most?

    I think you can't deny that it would certainly break the balance in so many ways. Clearly favoring characters who are already really good. Imagine a HUcast with Solferino? lol I don't think I need to cross reference every possibility, but I do think you'd really break the game.
  17. Kevdo

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Been keeping my eye on this for a long time now. Glad to see we'll be able to get our hands dirty with it soon. Thanks for the amount of work you've put into this.
  18. Kevdo

    Ayy what's gucci

    Welcome to the forums my friend.