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  1. Powder Keg

    wrath of forest and path to salvation are bad quests

    Perhaps something similar to rare missions in PSU could be introduced?
  2. Powder Keg

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    That's a shame, but 2pds is still a deal. I'll take it. I can be on later tonight around 8 Eastern time.
  3. Powder Keg

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    I'm interested in the Soul Banish and will likely take it. Out of curiosity, any %'s?
  4. Powder Keg

    wrath of forest and path to salvation are bad quests

    I don't really see a big problem with it. While I understand it's currently everyone plays due to monster counts and other factors, if something were to be removed or changed too much, the community would mostly just find another quest to do the same thing with. And as much as I love this...
  5. Powder Keg

    What's the story behind your name?

    Powder Keg is the name of a goofy-ass wrestler on WCW vs. NWO: World Tour for the N64. A long ass time ago, a friend was on the phone with another friend and I kept saying "Tell him about Powder Keg!" he dropped his phone in a bowl of pasta. blamed me for it and called me Powder Keg ever...
  6. Powder Keg

    MAGs... Character Data... Etc...

    A poor connection can sometimes cause this, or possibly if the party leader has a poor connection in your team. I've joined a party where the leader must have been afk for a while and got the same message every time I would try to join (3 times) and later chose another game and everything was fine.
  7. Powder Keg

    Hello. I used to play on GameCube with my friends.

    Always good to see more people. I've played since Dreamcast on every platform but X-box and never went beyond I want to say 168 (Gamecube) getting to 200 takes a lot of time for sure. Well, most things in this game take a lot of time. The exp and boost events are great because of this. Truth...
  8. Powder Keg

    Repeated synchronization error / Disconnect.

    Yeah, I don't trust wireless connections while gaming for this reason. I might be wrong with this, but I've noticed a lot of issues including desyncing when the leader of the room doesn't have a great connection or has idled for a long time.
  9. Powder Keg

    Looking for members or to join a team

    I made Lithonia (name is from Dragon Force for the Saturn) shortly after starting once I realized you needed a team to use the dressing room, and currently the only members are myself and Bob Dafer (posts here as johnnyo) We'll play whenever we can and help others level and hunt rare stuff, we...
  10. Powder Keg

    Jukebox song requests

  11. Powder Keg

    Maintenance at 3/2/2016 14:30 UTC completed.

    lol, Hopkins finally lost himself.
  12. Powder Keg

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Any known methods to obtain luck materials more easily? I almost never come across any. I forget if they're more common with type B IDs (currenly using Viridia and Redria)
  13. Powder Keg

    Back to the hunt

    Figured I'd shoot an intro post in here.. In the past year I got into video game streaming and my friend and I thought it'd be funny to see if there were people out there who still played PSO on twitch. Sure enough, there were. That's how we found out about Ephinea. I've been around since...
  14. Powder Keg

    Odd stat reset bug (screenshots attached)

    Nope. I've had the client crash a few times, but nothing out of the ordinary really. This particular quest seems to cause more problems than usual, though...which is a shame since it's a fun one. Crashed once when I used a PB, then this when I also used a PB. Think with the number of...
  15. Powder Keg

    Odd stat reset bug (screenshots attached)

    This one is interesting, no idea what the hell happened here, but luckily everything seems okay when logging back in. I used a photon blast in the moth room in WoF and suddenly all of my stats reset to pretty much nothing. The same thing caused a crash before but in the bigger room yesterday...