Search results

  1. Powder Keg

    It's good to be back...

    Good to see a familiar PSU face. Welcome!
  2. Powder Keg


    Pretty sure it isn't. That's why I need to get it now lol. I got the Battlefront bundle and haven't even touched that as a result.
  3. Powder Keg

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    So last night I randomly decided to do some MA4B runs, had a full team pretty quick of good peeps. Noticed in the room outlined with a ton of lilies that the megid was awfully big so there was a mil somewhere (ended up being in the back of the room and we died a ton of times lol) I figured...
  4. Powder Keg


    I'm on PS4 for now sadly. PC likely isn't good enough to run it well and I won't be upgrading anytime soon. PSN ID is SauceKeg if anyone wants to add me. I still have to get plus lol
  5. Powder Keg

    Ephinea Online Smash Community

    I don't take either seriously, I just play for fun. Melee just became too extreme and I got tired of it (played it religiously in highschool lol) kinda how I felt about MvC2. Everyone's like STORMMAGSENTINEL and I'm like lolfuckyoubye! BTW, my ID is SauceKeg if anyone wants to add me. I...
  6. Powder Keg

    Ephinea Online Smash Community

    I'm all about Smash 4 if anyone is interested. I just can't do melee anymore.... I'll edit this post once I remember what he hell my network name is. EDIT: It's SauceKeg
  7. Powder Keg

    What are you listening to?

  8. Powder Keg

    What are you listening to?

    Start @ :47
  9. Powder Keg

    What are you listening to?

    I'm pretty obsessed with the MMX sound font and look for stuff like this all the time.
  10. Powder Keg


    With the removal of some of the quests that had too many enemies, are there ideas going around or is there the possibility of adding rare missions similar to PSU? Obviously they'd be very rare to come across but could have a good amount of uncommon enemies and a higher chance to bump into a...
  11. Powder Keg

    Flames PD Shop (updated June 23rd, 2017) SALE until August 1st!

    I'll take 2 God/Powers. Can't find any to save my life.
  12. Powder Keg

    I found my first Eclair just this past week. Got a hit rouge out of it too! (15 hit I think)

    I found my first Eclair just this past week. Got a hit rouge out of it too! (15 hit I think)
  13. Powder Keg

    0/15/0/25. Not terribad but also not great. I hunted this a ton in GC so I'm still excited.

    0/15/0/25. Not terribad but also not great. I hunted this a ton in GC so I'm still excited.
  14. Powder Keg

    Client update 1.6.5

    Very nice. Thanks for all the updates.
  15. Powder Keg

    ....and I found a Lavis just because I made that previous post. Happens every time!

    ....and I found a Lavis just because I made that previous post. Happens every time!
  16. Powder Keg

    Roughly 300 hrs and haven't found a single red slime. How is this possible lol

    Roughly 300 hrs and haven't found a single red slime. How is this possible lol
  17. Powder Keg

    Team Rankings and Team Limit

    There's really no need to touch it IMO.
  18. Powder Keg

    Easter Event Shop Update #1

    Earned a PGF on the first 25 tier try. Was totally expecting to lose then that happens. Woo!
  19. Powder Keg

    Comcast disconnection issues and Fodra.

    They're literally one of the scummiest companies on Earth, no question. As soon as decent competition was offered in my area, I switched immediately, paying much less and getting the same or better service.
  20. Powder Keg

    Quick question - Quick answer

    How can a tablet be used on your MAG? I have a few of them from Coren but I'm not sure how to make them usable.