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  1. skwipe

    RIP HUmar. 2016/08/15

    Well, I have been playing a lot on GC, but haven't played in over 6 years. Jumping on HC might have been slightly overreaching... buuut I like the added challenge lol.
  2. skwipe

    Hello and follow your dreams

    Youd just be like anyone here. I mean, were still playing PSO after 12 years its been released. Arent we a little over the top?
  3. skwipe

    RIP HUmar. 2016/08/15

    Only 37. But still. F**k garanz lol
  4. skwipe

    Hello and follow your dreams

    Another GC player :D Welcome and have fun with all of us :D
  5. skwipe

    Getting hit during MAG PB animation

    @Tsubasatenshi SO THAT WAS YOUR PLAN *gets his baseball bat*
  6. skwipe

    Getting hit during MAG PB animation

    They were spawned, but the Missiles were shot, and they were not affected by the "Game pause"
  7. skwipe

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    I run the game through Steam, and use the Steam's screenshot feature. Works fine for me for that, and still able to use Steam's overlay
  8. skwipe

    Getting hit during MAG PB animation

    We were fighting in the mines, and after my brother activated his PB, the Garanz missiles still hit me and downed me (TY @Spuz for the Scapedoll), even though everything else was completely blocked in animation. Is it normal?
  9. skwipe

    Quick question - Quick answer Is what I found
  10. skwipe

    RIP HUmar. 2016/08/15

    F**k Garantz missles.
  11. skwipe

    Dll Error

    Putting the DLL file in the antivirus exception list fixed it for Kenpachi. Might wanna try that.
  12. skwipe

    Dll Error

    Stupid question but... put the DLL in the exception list of your antivirus. Theres been a lot of issues lately with that. If it just blocks it it will give an error
  13. skwipe

    Dll Error

    Im sorry I have no idea what else could be the problem XD And I don't have access to send you the DLL :( Last possible option is to delete de DLL file and force an update or redownload the client (or use the setup files if you still have them) and overwrite your current installation. Characters...
  14. skwipe

    Dll Error

    Im at work and DLL downloads are blocked (obviously XD) Right click the game client > Propreties > Compatibility > Run as administrator.
  15. skwipe

    Dll Error

    earlier, NDW shared a DL link for the DLL. (on the shoutbox) try to overwrite it. If that doesn't work, run the game as administrator
  16. skwipe

    Dll Error

    Did you run the game from the launcher (online.exe)? If not please do. Also try to run an update on the client.
  17. skwipe

    290 HP, 190 armor. Garantz normal one shotted me. Twice. XD

    290 HP, 190 armor. Garantz normal one shotted me. Twice. XD
  18. skwipe

    B> Scape Doll [HC]

    Ill be on in about 3 or so hours. Just two will be fine. One for me, one for my brother Tsubasatenshi. I don't want to abuse your generosity XD Just a precaution is fine. I do have a PD to trade, to be fair. Or I do have two or three materials, or trigrinders. Not much, but I don't want to take...
  19. skwipe

    B> Scape Doll [HC]

    looking for a few scape dolls. I dunno the PD price range for one/multiple. Lemme know!