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  1. skwipe

    PC> 40h Soul Banish and 55h Soul Banish.

    11:16 AM - Peppercat: That is a _lot_ of hit, but Soul Banish isn't really a super crazy good wep imo so 11:17 AM - Archivebit: not many use it 11:17 AM - Peppercat: I wouldn't value it much higher than like, 5~? PDs? Personally. I dunno. 11:18 AM - Archivebit: 4-6 is reasonable yea 11:19 AM...
  2. skwipe

    Another PSO newblet arrives...

    Welcome welcome! If you have any question, be sure to ask!
  3. skwipe

    Looking for people to play with

    Going to be looking for buddies to level my Force with (Softcore)! Welcome and hit me up in game :)
  4. skwipe

    ephineapso.dll detected as a trojan virus

    @Steamax Use if you want to doublecheck the validity of a false positive. It's a google subsidiary so you know its solid!
  5. skwipe

    (Closed) Game not loading after "start game"

    Im pretty sure we're at version 1.8.5 (or so it was yesterday evening) I would suggest to run "online.exe" and run the update, then once at the main menu, check for updates there too. Lemme know if that works
  6. skwipe

    (Closed) Game not loading after "start game"

    When you load the game at the "Press Start" menu, at the bottom left, what version does it say?
  7. skwipe

    [HC] Hardcore

    @makinaz Thanks for the welcome :) And no I won't die. I've had my share of failures already XD Managed to get to 48 yesterday, ill keep it up and I got a few dolls to save my ass (once again, thanks @Spuz )
  8. skwipe

    New player

    Good to have you though! Hope you enjoy your stay :D
  9. skwipe

    Sweet! Forum Avatar supports GIF

    Series (Air TV) is too cute to include fleas. NEVER. HES JUST A DANCING POTATO
  10. skwipe

    Sweet! Forum Avatar supports GIF

    I can now see my dancing Piko EVERYWHERE! MWahahahaahah
  11. skwipe

    Back to PSO... again. :D

    Plein de québécois! Yaaaay! Bienvenue! :D
  12. skwipe

    Unsure about item reward milestones

    Arright, thanks for the precisions :)
  13. skwipe

    Unsure about item reward milestones

    Yeah, but I play HC, so I don't want to die :P So as long as I get any kind of kills in MA4, it will be logged for the event. Completion of the quest or not?
  14. skwipe

    Unsure about item reward milestones

    Just to confirm, kills counted for the event are the ones from MA4 or anywhere, like for badge drops? And in case you do start the quest but don't finish it, thus the /bth or wtv command banner shows 0 kills, will it still count for the "one" kill required for the event?
  15. skwipe

    Unsure about item reward milestones

    On a side note, anyone knows how much it will cost in $$$ or badges? lol (Platinum badge? T.T)
  16. skwipe

    Unsure about item reward milestones

    Oh damn. So I need to start finishing MA4 to get badges to get elenor. Good to know XD
  17. skwipe

    RIP HUmar. 2016/08/15

    Oh I am well aware. I am just pissed that I got double one shotted, while overlevelled for the place I was XD
  18. skwipe

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    @Skylar - Matt has requested specific requirements to have the item again. Any other debate (especially with the tone you are using) is not to be done here. I suggest that you ASK Matt to send the request with your suggestions to the admin team, and they can then decide on the specifics of these...
  19. skwipe

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    Well, at the very least, you see the red dot on the map. So you know an item is stuck there... :o
  20. skwipe

    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    I know :) But it's something that should not be possible at first, and Matt is offering his help against even the point of balancing by creating an item, to satisfy one user due to errors. Official servers would not do so no matter the case. Matt did confirm that with a screenshot showing that...