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  1. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    dude, I can tell that was your seventh ID too. Lucky you. That was quick.
  2. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I also recently tekked this lovely sword.
  3. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Commander Uniform from a VH Ep4 Fiasco attempt. We didn't succeed, but this alone made up for it. Especially since it came with a slot.
  4. Nightraven

    Post a favorite image or gif you use as a reaction

    My personal favorite, when you're about to argue but then realize that the other guy has a good point.
  5. Nightraven

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    Gotta say, I'm similar on a number of them. Like for League, I'll take an off-meta champ and use them better than any fotm player. I also went Blood Spec tank during Wrath, and people were like "how the fuck is this guy tanking so fucking well using blood and not frost spec?" Said spec was...
  6. Nightraven

    League of Legends

    At least you're not getting ADC then dealing with some troll in the support role, picking something that was in professional play yet completely refusing to play the role. Even the pros buy a sightstone and use it. These players somehow manage to fail at that.
  7. Nightraven

    League of Legends

    I built almost straight tank and was dealing damage like a carry. The only offensive item I had was RHydra.
  8. Nightraven

    League of Legends

    Camille is a little strong. I got the hang of her in one game, and I can already tell that she's going to get nerfs to her durability.
  9. Nightraven

    Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)

    MvC 3 was pretty good except for the infinite combos. I'm still gonna list Mortal Kombat, especially since their reboot in MK9 and continuation in MKX. Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (SNES) was an incredible fighting game where you could play as any of the Gundams and even the 3 mega mobile suits...
  10. Nightraven

    Unable to move after death during specific quest

    I was not close enough to talk to her.
  11. Nightraven

    Unable to move after death during specific quest

    The quest was in the single player on Episode 2, had the intro of being "this sets the stage for Episode 3", dealt with the VR temple and placed you with 2 AI allies. I got frozen by a trap, and knocked out by a dimenian while frozen. I was returned to the guild counter (not the lobby or...
  12. Nightraven

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    Now you understand why I play Miss Fortune a lot when I play League (Fiora was my main until she was reworked, but still held up as a busty and beautiful sword wielder).
  13. Nightraven

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    A true genius wouldn't need to put effort into school and still do well. Example: I would never do homework, but since I did so well on the tests my grades didn't suffer too much. I just got the straight up information so easily and could generally recall it with next to zero studying.
  14. Nightraven

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    This is kinda off-topic, but this still focuses entirely on you as a gamer. The question is what habits do you have as a gamer regardless of the game you're playing (or through most games you're playing in the event a game doesn't support your habit)? For me, despite being a guy IRL, I always...
  15. Nightraven

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard No matter how many times I watch it, I laugh.
  16. Nightraven

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Watching: Yugioh Zexal Plan to Watch: Seven Deadly Sins Season 2
  17. Nightraven

    Infuriating controller mapping issue

    Is there any completely free alternative to Joy2Key? Because I do not want to deal with the trial bullcrap.
  18. Nightraven

    What's the story behind your name?

    Also, for characters, I typically use "Busty" as the first part of the name because big boobs are awesome and I'm only playing female characters anyway.
  19. Nightraven

    Street Fighter V / Fighting game general

    I play Mortal Kombat X from time to time still on XB1. I would also still enjoy MK9 (although I'd need a refresher). Personally, I like the direction they went with the gameplay, how each fighter is really 3 fighters. It was a great way to keep characters like Cyrax and Sektor while also...
  20. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    My two mags on Gamecube. The best part is probably the fact that my Mind mag is pretty much perfect on levels. My Hunter/Ranger Mag has the best possible situation abilities for a combatant as Varaha and works really well for both classes.