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  1. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Found 2 really good Assault guns...
  2. Nightraven

    What is your favorite character to play?

    Then instead of boosting the ATP of hunters to compensate for the lack of ATA, cut the rangers' ATP. Additionally, allow hunters to use Slicer-type weapons without the normal ATA penalty (since those require ATP to be used anyway). This would go a long way towards standardizing the damage...
  3. Nightraven

    How to create a 12/188/0/0 Mag

    Finally took the time to look it up. With this process, any class can do a 188 MIND mag following the same steps up to Mag level 35. Mag blasts are as follows: Hunter: Farlla-Mylla-Estilla Ranger: Estilla-Mylla-Golla Force: Leilla-Mylla-Golla
  4. Nightraven

    How to create a 12/188/0/0 Mag

    I still need to look at Mag Growth to determine if 188 is possible for Mind.
  5. Nightraven

    How to create a 12/188/0/0 Mag

    Added a side note in terms of raising the mag. Since the first evolution is always based on class, once the mag hits level 10 any character can continue raising it per the method.
  6. Nightraven

    What is your favorite character to play?

    HUnewearl, easily. I know people suggested FOmarl for swapping between weapons and tech but HUneys still go to tech level 20 (out of 25) and only lose out on 3 skills compared to a force. Additionally, as Hunters they can use the largest variety of armor/shields/weapons. Forces are simply not...
  7. Nightraven

    Tool Shop Update

    Ah, damn. Oh well. with events they don't need to appear as often anyway.
  8. Nightraven

    Tool Shop Update

    I moved Anti to the top of my Tech list for techniques, Shifta/Deband just below it, and with Ryuker and Resta on the very bottom (since I almost never take those off my palette). I also have Cure/Paralysis equipped at all times because that's the only one I can't readily dispel. However, this...
  9. Nightraven

    How to create a 12/188/0/0 Mag

    I actually noticed that this method might also work for a 12/0/0/188 Mag, but I would need to look up the growth rates and PB for that too.
  10. Nightraven

    How to create a 12/188/0/0 Mag

    This process can be done on ANY class and ANY SecID. However, Ranger is safest because you can stop dropping at 35 instead of 50 and you can obtain better PB. However, keep in mind that this is a VERY arduous task that will require LOADS of patience to properly complete. The process is...
  11. Nightraven

    Goodbye everyone. Skylar is out.

    I don't think his decision was dumb and I understand the staff making the decision. I think there should be an exception as long as both characters are being actively played.
  12. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Ran TTF on VH solo, went for minimum kills. Successfully got SS and won the Black Ring.
  13. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Just hit Level 101 on Nightraven. So now I'm using my 4 slot Commander's Uniform (after using 3 AddSlot items).
  14. Nightraven

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Most rooms are small enough it probably won't matter enough to be worth arguing further. I still feel it makes more sense for rangers to be debuffing and hunters to be buffing. Guess there's no point in arguing it further. Since you are toying with class stats in the first place, it doesn't...
  15. Nightraven

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    I'm gonna address these in segments, to keep it more concise. Understandable, but it's still an idea to keep for the future balancing. Pretty much because of the thematic "close range vs long range". Even though the classes have this juxtaposed, it makes more sense thematically for the...
  16. Nightraven

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    I've read through the entire thread and the manifesto. I have a few ideas that might be worth implementing as well as some feedback on some of the ideas. Tech Limits I can kinda agree on most of it, such as allowing anyone to learn most level 30 techs. I like the idea of Shifta/Deband and...
  17. Nightraven

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Thing was Geist base (never went below Soul Effect) and had +7 and 0/25/35/0.
  18. Nightraven

    What's the story behind your name?

    Mine is a multi-part deal. Before Fiora was reworked in late Season 5 of League of Legends, I would play the shit out of her. My favorite skin was, by far, her Nightraven skin. I later took it as a surname I could use as if I was part of a house (think Harry Potter or Game of Thrones). It later...
  19. Nightraven

    Hunting Materials and Grinders. Is this ID related?

    Which is half of my point. The other one, which you missed by 3 miles, is the fact that Luck materials are still supposed to drop.
  20. Nightraven

    Hunting Materials and Grinders. Is this ID related?

    Run dragon fights as many times as you want. You will never get a material to drop from one of those boxes and a single set of 3 boxes will only drop meseta.