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  1. Madstokie

    Do we have any Magic: The Gathering players here?

    And a fitting finale to a thread revered by no-one!
  2. Madstokie

    Do we have any Magic: The Gathering players here?

    Classy, I like it :D In response to your measured, sensible and well thought out post, here is some childish nonsense :D
  3. Madstokie

    Do we have any Magic: The Gathering players here?

    Last one for now!
  4. Madstokie

    Do we have any Magic: The Gathering players here?

    How about some homemade cards for you all to regret the existence of :)
  5. Madstokie

    What did you have for Snacks?

    A packet of dehydrated Shark on toast, served on a unicycle with ham, jam, cram and spam :)
  6. Madstokie

    What did you have for Breakfast?

    Nothing, but licking my fingers kept the hunger away for a while...
  7. Madstokie

    What did you have for lunch?

    The still-beating heart of a Rappy, eaten in front of it's surviving family :)
  8. Madstokie

    I'm not sure what NM or HC is to be honest lol. I'm happy to try anything so please let me know...

    I'm not sure what NM or HC is to be honest lol. I'm happy to try anything so please let me know and don't be a stranger :D
  9. Madstokie

    The residents of Ragol are steadily treading on my head!

    The residents of Ragol are steadily treading on my head!
  10. Madstokie

    Configuring Xpadder with PSOBB

    You're far too good to me :D That has helped no end. Thanks again!
  11. Madstokie

    Configuring Xpadder with PSOBB

    What a reply! Thank you very much for the help. I've had a good go at the control scheme and I've managed to get my head around all but 2 things:- 1. How do you get Xpadder to override the pad or keyboard controls from within the game. I've tried using the pad option in-game but I can't get the...
  12. Madstokie

    Configuring Xpadder with PSOBB

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping that someone is able to help me out with a frustrating controller setup problem. I'm looking to assign all standard actions and all 10 hotkeys to an XBOX ONE controller using Xpadder. I'm finding this near to impossible to do. Could any of you help me with this...