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  1. NDW

    Modify "/matreset" Command

    Here's some messages from the Discord related to playing PSZ online from what I could find:
  2. NDW

    How to Self Resta

    With this guide you can cast Resta only on yourself, even if other members of the party are within your range. Put Resta at or near the top of your Quick Menu to make it easier to perform. You can self-Resta with one of two methods: 1) Perform an attack with (or without) a weapon and select...
  3. NDW

    A lost loved one. RIP friend :(

    He was such a good friend and team member back in the day. It's sad to hear that he's gone now.
  4. NDW

    I can't buy Team points

    Sorry, I didn't really read this thread when I should have. I just made a new team and the following options appear for me: Team Flag Dressing Room Member limit 20 Member limit 20 Member limit 20 Member limit 20 Team Quest: Point of Disaster Team Quest: The Robots' Reckoning Master's Commander...
  5. NDW

    I can't buy Team points

    You can only obtain Team Points by registering rare weapons, armors, units, and shields from here: F12 > Team > Point Regist When you register an item, the item is deleted and is converted into points for your team. Or, you could obtain them from another team that has excess Team Points and...
  6. NDW

    Discord Rich Presence?

    This would be awesome to have implemented on Ephinea. Here are some features that are currently available elsewhere: @Cassie 9 Users can choose whether or not they want to display their currently running game (Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst in this instance) as their display message if they...
  7. NDW

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    @Eistee C L E A N
  8. NDW

    Upcoming Ego Run @ ~4PM EDT/EST :3

    Thank you. > Everyone
  9. NDW

    Phantasy Star General (PSG) [Reborn]
  10. NDW

    What book are you reading?

  11. NDW

    What book are you reading?

  12. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Try reloading Block and attempt to select "Use" option.
  13. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Base Resta range: 100% FOmarl/FOnewearl: +100% Tyrell's Parasol: +100% Resta Merge: +100% Total Resta range: 400%
  14. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Tech boosts can stack and are additive.
  15. NDW


  16. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You should grab a friend who hasn't done it before and see for yourself. =]
  17. NDW

    Take care of yourself and do whatever makes you happy. A happy gamer creates healthy, natural...

    Take care of yourself and do whatever makes you happy. A happy gamer creates healthy, natural gameplay. Natural gameplay is what makes you an ALPHA GAMER. YOU'RE A WINNER!
  18. NDW

    B> S-Ranks

  19. NDW

    Influence the next Magatama Update !

    I edited the file, saved it, and tested Magatama with new saved file. It works. Thanks, @Aether89! If anyone else wants to quickly edit their file with the list I mentioned above, here's the code for it: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!--Initial Value--> <Root> <SectionID...
  20. NDW

    Influence the next Magatama Update !

    The 'Programmable Mass Feeding' sounds interesting. The only thing I can think of suggesting is to re-order the list of Section ID's in the drop-down menu from A-Z sorting to the way the drop tables have it: Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill