Search results

  1. NDW

    B> Yasha (Done.)

  2. NDW

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    LV200 mag price increased to 8 PD. Any current pending orders unaffected by price change.
  3. NDW

    ReShade Tutorial/Thread (Post Processing)

    Nice tutorial thread!!
  4. NDW

    A>Gifoie LV30 disk [Done by Spuz]

  5. NDW

    A > Megid 30 (Winner - NDW - 124PD)

  6. NDW

    A > Megid 30 (Winner - NDW - 124PD)

    75 PD
  7. NDW

    A>Dark Flow Set [50/50/0/0|50] & [0/0/50/50|50] (CLOSED)

    Auctioning the following: Dark Flow [50/50/0/0|50] (60 PD reserve) Dark Flow [0/0/50/50|50] (60 PD reserve) You may bid on either item or both items at the same time. 72 hour countdown once reserve(s) have been met. Good luck!
  8. NDW

    A>Gizonde Lv30(done)

  9. NDW

    A>Gizonde Lv30(done)

  10. NDW

    A>Gizonde Lv30(done)

  11. NDW

    A>Gizonde Lv30(done)

    50 PD
  12. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

    Out of stock. Sorry.
  13. NDW

    Echelon's skins & modifications

    You are the best! > @Echelon
  14. NDW

    Tools by Tofuman

    Thank you. > @tofuman
  15. NDW


  16. NDW

    A> Demonic Vulcan (CLOSED)

    The Darkest of Vulcans.
  17. NDW

    Thank you for making monster finding guide long ago that helps us to this day.

    Thank you for making monster finding guide long ago that helps us to this day.
  18. NDW

    Soly's Stash

    I updated my addons recently and I noticed the following: Monster Reader's target reader used to have a timer for Jellen/Zalure. When targeting Duuvik, it would show an HP value for target reader. Could these be added back?