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  1. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Once per month.
  2. NDW

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    Your ES weapon is ready for pickup.
  3. NDW

    PC> 50h Slicer of Assassin

    In my opinion, no because it has reduced Dark special which isn't that useful in higher difficulties.
  4. NDW

    PSO Acronym & Terms Guide (Work In progress!!)

    General: NM - Normal Mode CM - Challenge Mode BM - Battle Mode OPM - One Person Mode HC - Hardcore SB - Sandbox Mode RER - Rare Enemy Rate TA - Time Attack WC - Water Closet cc = change character Alt+BS = Alt+Backspace N = Normal H = Hard S = Special VH = Very Hard Ult = Ultimate [N/H/S][1/2/3]...
  5. NDW

    Ephineacon 2: Chicago Edition *6/11/19 update!

    I might be able to attend.
  6. NDW

    Imagine how amazing Ephinea will be once it reaches its 10th anniversary!

    Imagine how amazing Ephinea will be once it reaches its 10th anniversary!
  7. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

  8. NDW

    A> Gifoie Level 30 (Done)

    Frozen Shooter [0/30/0/25|40] Photon Drop x198
  9. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    The Weekly Boost is separate from Photon Fortune from Lady Luck.
  10. NDW

    B> srank needle hell.

    S>ES NEEDLE order for 20 PD
  11. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    The active boost is in relation to boosts received when creating a party (without Purist Mode on). The four different boosts are DAR (Drop Anything Rate), RER (Rare Enemy Rate), RDR (Rare Drop Rate), and EXP (Experience). "/luck" or "/forecast" are related to additional boosts received to RDR...
  12. NDW

    B>Rafoie Merge (DONE)

    PM me price. EDIT: Purchased for 6 PD's.
  13. NDW

    Let's all be nice!

    Let's all be nice!
  14. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

    Dark Flow [0/0/50/50|50] added to trade list.
  15. NDW

    A>Dark Flow Set [50/50/0/0|50] & [0/0/50/50|50] (CLOSED)

    Winner! Message me to arrange meeting for exchange. Dark Flow [0/0/50/50|50] removed due to lack of interest.
  16. NDW

    はい! シリアルエクスペリメンツレインをより高品質で見直していることをお伝えします。 大好きです!

    はい! シリアルエクスペリメンツレインをより高品質で見直していることをお伝えします。 大好きです!
  17. NDW


  18. NDW

    You are doing amazing work! Thank you very much!!

    You are doing amazing work! Thank you very much!!
  19. NDW

    Fomarl tips and tricks

    Both weapons have the same activation rate for Demon's special; unreduced special at 50% activation rate.