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  1. Eidolon

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    Well, I guess someone needs to try rebuilding it ;)
  2. Eidolon

    PSO/other MMO Server and Tools Development Open Chat

    Hello everyone, I have opened up a Discord server for development surrounding PSO and other MMOs for server emulation, tools, etc. If you are interested in engineering and reverse engineering, I encourage you to join the chat. There is no restriction on joining right now. It doesn't matter if...
  3. Eidolon

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    Sylverant has some support for Episode 3. It has about as much support as Schthack, though. It needs more research. Message IDs 0xC9 and 0xCB are used in Episode 3 for battle-related messages, but it's not clear how the server is supposed to react with them, so that is likely the source of soft...
  4. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    Yeah, if you're on Linux you absolutely have to compile the DLLs yourself for your own distribution of Wine, otherwise you'll likely run into API incompatibilities. Maybe I'll make an installation script that detects your Wine version and does it automatically.
  5. Eidolon

    IDOLA PSOBB Rust Server

    The message serialization is done mostly by hand and not directly memory mapped like one might do in C. It's not nearly as efficient as that, but it's close enough and lets me have a different internal representation of the message, for example all strings regardless of what encoding they end up...
  6. Eidolon

    Recommendation for handheld with PSO?

    I'll second PSP2, I haven't played PSP2i but PSP2 was excellent and really made Phantasy Star Universe what it should have been from the start.
  7. Eidolon

    IDOLA PSOBB Rust Server

    Hey all, I've been working heavily on a server implementation for Blue Burst in Rust, a relatively new systems language from Mozilla. IDOLA PSOBB Server Emulator It is licensed under AGPLv3 (a bit derivative of Sylverant code, though architecturally it's quite a bit different) and works on...
  8. Eidolon

    So it has come to my attention...

    : )
  9. Eidolon

    General purpose PSOBB launcher

    Hey everyone, here another small tool I threw together for an experiment. This is a custom launcher that injects some code temporarily into PSOBB.exe as it starts to patch the login and patch server as well as the version string to configured values, to easily switch between servers. Not sure...
  10. Eidolon

    Low power usage 1.25.13

    Honestly this hack won't help much for lower end machines due to the way PSO handles its update loop. It will take some more reverse engineering to fully document the render loop and let it compensate correctly with a high precision timer.
  11. Eidolon

    Low power usage 1.25.13

    Re: Low power usage 1.24.13 I typoed 1.25.13. After restarting my computer, it's no longer working. I'll investigate it more in a bit.
  12. Eidolon

    Low power usage 1.25.13

    Hey everyone, back with another quality of life tweak. This is a modified 1.25.13 PsoBB.exe which has fairly reduced CPU usage. It's a cheap hack that simply calls into kernel32 Sleep for 0x10 milliseconds just after Device Clear has been called on d3d8. The idea is that it will reduce CPU...
  13. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    I can't help you further than that, you will just have to read the Wine documentation I linked.
  14. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen You don't need any of the extra dependencies that are normally required to build all of Wine. When you're asked to run Make, you only need to run: make dlls/wined3d dlls/d3d8 cp dlls/wined3d/ dlls/d3d8/ /path/to/PSOBB Before...
  15. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    Typing works on both Linux and Mac. IME does not work on Mac (the game seems to pick up on it but compose input only typed latin characters. US keyboard, Japanese IME). Unable to test IME on Linux since I don't have it set up but I assume it doesn't work. Mac overrides the function keys (not...
  16. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    The fog can only be fixed by correctly uploading the mips (as mentioned, PSO assumes it can just write mips 1-3 appended to 0, which is not supported in wined3d yet). I can probably write a more elaborate patch that detects when PSO tries to upload multiple mips in mip 0 and separate them out...
  17. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    It's still a hack and simply spoofs an undocumented feature of Direct3D with contiguous mipmap allocation (as the same issue happens in League of Legends, someone pointed me in that direction). The comments on the Bugzilla entry suggested it was antihack but it didn't seem like it, so here we...
  18. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    I've fixed the crash and gotten into the lobby successfully. You must build wined3d.dll from source and set WINEDLLOVERRIDE="wined3d=n" in your environment before starting PsoBB.exe. Use this patch. Build with "make dlls/wined3d" Warning: this uses up to 16 times...
  19. Eidolon

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    The anti-hack (or whatever binary changes there have been) used in the Ephinea client causes the game to crash just after the Connecting text disappears. This has been a problem for years under the Schthack client. I know it's a bit of a steep request, but could this be fixed or removed? The...