You do know how to tekk weapons correctly, right?
I see a lot of incorrectly tekked weapons in your list.
Anyway, I'll take the Heart of Kapu Kapu for a pd.
Now that you said "possibly a bit more" motherfuckers gonna hit you with high offers and pretend to walk if you don't take it lol - V502 is always 25, it's hidden in the name backwards and separated by a 0 (and the 0 stands for spend 0 more than 25)
Or am I mistaken in thinking machine% on a non-fast casting weapon is useful? The explanation in the link isn't 100% crystal clear to me.
1 (maybe 2 cause it has ab on it which can make it good for devastating De Rol Le with its special when it docks)
Here's the reason for its value:
"Quest Reward
A Vjaya with 40% hit can be obtained by talking to Elly after completing 6-5:Test/VR Spaceship 5 on Ultimate, while playing as a...
Sorry guys! I ran into some things that completely steered me away when I got home last night.
I'll be on today again for a little while in the afternoon before 3:00pm PST, and again after I get home from work at approximately 9:00pm PST.
I apologize for any inconveniences!