Search results

  1. Mome Chomsky

    PDA 35h MKB

    Hi, I'm looking to sell this. It has 35h and no other stats. The minimum bid is 20 PDs and I want PDs only. Thanks
  2. Mome Chomsky

    Best at dying

    Best at dying
  3. Mome Chomsky

    I legitimately forget how to play this game

    I legitimately forget how to play this game
  4. Mome Chomsky

    MKB 0/0/0/0/35

    I haven't really played in about a year and just found this today- wondering if it's worth anything
  5. Mome Chomsky

    S>PGF for PDs

  6. Mome Chomsky

    How many hours do you have on psobb Ephinea

    A few hundred I think (maybe like 700, not sure exactly)
  7. Mome Chomsky


  8. Mome Chomsky

    Seasons Feedback

    What would people think of seasonal characters starting at level 80 and making it a lot easier to get mats and raise mags (or maybe just starting fully matted with one mag)? For me I think that'd make it a lot more fun.
  9. Mome Chomsky

    Seasons Feedback

    I didn't play, so I could be wrong, but it seems like after a few weeks it wasn't really that different than normal mode. I think it would be more interesting (and promote teaming with other people) if you made it so you can't trade at all.
  10. Mome Chomsky

    Tagging Experience

    Tagging enemies takes skill? What? Playing efficiently takes skill. In any game with a modern experience system, playing efficiently is generally viewed as contributing to the party because everyone benefits. If PSO had such a system, then maybe there wouldn't be so many people who are morally...
  11. Mome Chomsky

    Lol me too, I was mostly just joking about my laziness in reading

    Lol me too, I was mostly just joking about my laziness in reading
  12. Mome Chomsky

    Suggestion: Limit forum posts to 100 words or less

    Suggestion: Limit forum posts to 100 words or less
  13. Mome Chomsky

    [OSRS]Old School RuneScape

    I've been making progress, slowly... I got my range to 99 a little over a month ago, defense is at 90 (99 combat atm). Need to do a bunch of quests (not really my thing lol) and get rigour and vengeance.
  14. Mome Chomsky

    "Not all who wander are lost" -Melqueek 2012

    "Not all who wander are lost" -Melqueek 2012
  15. Mome Chomsky

    Annual Drop Chart Changes

    I don't really like the idea. The drop charts are balanced well enough and changing them yearly would just be a lot of work for the staff that doesn't really accomplish anything. It's not their job to "make" you have fun by playing a variety of quests. You can just play the quests because you...
  16. Mome Chomsky

    Advice Request: Solo Time Attack

    FOnewm is probably the best for anything in ep4 solo. RAmar, HUcast, and FOnewm are all good in ep1, kinda depends what you're playing. RAmar is pretty much better than RAmarl unless you have to zalure frequently, which you probably don't in solo mode.
  17. Mome Chomsky

    Transmembrane Protein 16A is my waifu

    Transmembrane Protein 16A is my waifu
  18. Mome Chomsky

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    I'm pretty indifferent regarding the PD thing, but it seems to me like plenty of players have close enough to endgame gear so I don't really see what the issue is. How much more common are they proposed to become? On schthack when I played you could more or less get a sphere for raising 3-4 mags...
  19. Mome Chomsky

    Gaming for you in 2017

    I finally got around to getting a 3DS and played some of the new Pokémon games which I really liked, that's about it
  20. Mome Chomsky

    How long have you been playing PSO?

    DC V1/V2 - 2001 - 2003 offline GC 2003 - ~2006 offline SCHT BB - 2009 - Whenever I got banned I don't remember lol but I don't think I made it very far into 2013 Ephinea since 2016