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  1. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  2. RpiesSPIES

    A>Neis Claw 0/0/0/20(CLOSED)

    This sort of thing never happens, typically. Officially, lep would've been able to retract theirs, as they weren't top bidder. But because ala did so first (which was the 'illegal' move) I'm unsure if it would officially make Lep the top big bidder, but considering both are receiving temp bans...
  3. RpiesSPIES

    A> Frozen Shooter 45hit

  4. RpiesSPIES

    PC> A good chunk of HU gear

    tjs is around 275-300 0'd lavis blades depend on stats. assuming there's no hit, then around 65 50h vice's around 3-8 pd's 30h zanba is like 10 or 15 s reds are 1pd yamigarasu is worthless unless it has hit. if you find someone actively looking to buy one, 1pd 75h calibur is auction. could net...
  5. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  6. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    I've done more than half of my leveling via lavis hunts on my hucast, dw. i know. appreciate the effort :)
  7. RpiesSPIES

    PDA > TypeDS/D.Saber 0/0/0/0|30

    500 million pd's
  8. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  9. RpiesSPIES


    Kunai are not reduced. 50+ as SLU said is much more likely.
  10. RpiesSPIES

    A>0/0/35/0|65[hit] Charge Calibur <closed>

    Auction will be closed due to lack of activity, will come up again in the future.
  11. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  12. RpiesSPIES

    A>0/0/35/0|65[hit] Charge Calibur <closed>

  13. RpiesSPIES

    quick mag question

    fully evolved isn't a proper term. all mags that haven't reached a 4th evolution can have a mag kit used on them (some mag kits do require specific 4th evo mags to be used, however). If the mag name is yellow, it won't evolve via feeding anymore, and only a few of those mags can be used with...
  14. RpiesSPIES

    30lv HUcastal leveling

    you don't have to do boss rush quests to level. high mob density quests are more fun/rewarding and some will net more exp, albeit over a longer stretch of time. my personal favorite for ep1 is tyrell's ego. Also, TTF spans all 4 bosses, not just dragon.
  15. RpiesSPIES

    Christmas 2019 Present Stats

    syncesta, heart key, 3 or 4 liberta kits, arrest handgun, 2 meme mechs, 25h girasole, both typeds', and two 85 hit fo wpns. topped off by a f*ton of pd's and around 40 pc's. good event.
  16. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  17. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'