Search results

  1. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  2. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  3. RpiesSPIES

    Luminati's PSO-RayTracing (Profile and Guide) under development

    Much thanks for the aid in getting it set up. Can confirm that the ray tracing does work on my 1080.
  4. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  5. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  6. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  7. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  8. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    Anniversary 2021 Bounty Event over! TY all whom helped me hunt <3
  9. RpiesSPIES

    S> meteor cudgel 0/0/25/30/90(News!)

    I would be interested to buy it, but don't have any idea on what to offer for it, as most things i have ain't worth that.
  10. RpiesSPIES

    PDA> Demolition Comet [0/-5/-5/-5|0]

    Triple -5% in balanced spread Demolition Comet up for auction as a collector's item. 1pd reserve 24h resets/initial countdown
  11. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  12. RpiesSPIES

    A> meteor cudgel 0/0/0/0/65 sold

  13. RpiesSPIES

    A> meteor cudgel 0/0/0/0/65 sold

  14. RpiesSPIES

    A> meteor cudgel 0/0/0/0/65 sold

  15. RpiesSPIES

    A> meteor cudgel 0/0/0/0/65 sold

    169 PD's
  16. RpiesSPIES

    A> meteor cudgel 0/0/0/0/65 sold

  17. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin' (with update)
  18. RpiesSPIES

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    bump ~ still lookin'
  19. RpiesSPIES

    A>20/15/0/0|40 L&K38 Combat <ended 50PD's>

    I made the post as I was on the verge of heading to sleep. And again, regardless, if you want an item, vote on it before the timer is nearly up. I had set the initial countdown to 48h to allow people ample time to make the decision to go for it. If you have more complaints, please dm me instead...
  20. RpiesSPIES

    A>20/15/0/0|40 L&K38 Combat <ended 50PD's>

    It was rounded. The timer was slated to end 48h from the first bid which was at 12:52AM, my time. As no bids were had between the 24-0h mark following kairo (11:09AM), so there was no reset. If you wanted the item, should've bid on it with time to spare. This ain't ebay where it just ends. Sorry...