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  1. Nyte

    [PS(O), Sega & Other] Retro Nostalgia Thread..!

    Well. This Diablo 2 TV Spot was shared with me and I certainly enjoyed it.
  2. Nyte

    PDA: Smoking Plate 50/50 DFP, 18/20 EVP- CHB 10- COMPLETE

    That's pretty rad! I'll start with 10!
  3. Nyte

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    @Scotty Can I ask, what AREA Rafoie 30 was found in? Please? :D
  4. Nyte

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    This dropped during a Fiasco run, along with a 30 hit VIse, and a simultaneous present drop! Nice!
  5. Xmas Fiasco 2021 Yas 9000M

    Xmas Fiasco 2021 Yas 9000M

    Tekk Screenshot
  6. Nyte

    Noticed your profile pic was v2. the sranks on that game are so fun!

    Noticed your profile pic was v2. the sranks on that game are so fun!
  7. Nyte


  8. Nyte

    What anime are you currently watching?

    @Cassie 9 Yes it's the 2021 Netflix adaptation. I like it alot! I don't know how it measures up to the original, though. This article is a quick read and has some info tho!
  9. Nyte

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Right now watching SHAMAN KING on Netflix, also bought some digital manga. So now i'm reading The Ancient Magus's Bride vol. 1-15 (Starting over from 1) and TORADORA! This has to be my favorite rom/com type anime so ofc it's gonna be my first choice to buy and read the manga. Here's hoping...
  10. Velouria.png


  11. Nyte

    Craig's Custom Mags - Closed

    I've always thought Tapas was such a COOL looking mag. Whoever ordered that, you've got extremely good taste.
  12. Nyte

    Marvel vs Capcom sound pack

    I seem to have got this working, with the help of @tofuman's PAC manager tool. If there's any interest I can try and upload it. I just played several games in ep 1 and 4 and the sound files worked great! (none in ult tho, but I don't think that matters..)
  13. Nyte

    What are you listening to?

    Trying out that station that's in Conenubi701's sig.
  14. Nyte

    Marvel vs Capcom sound pack

    Not meaning to necro here, but I tried installing this and it seems to be broken. I absolutely need this to play. Is anyone using this sound pack successfully right now?
  15. Nyte


    You know it, nothing. I'm not upset at all. I wasn't specifically hunting it though is what made it cool. In PSO we all know the more you hunt something... It's like the quote by Henry David Thoreau. By that I mean we have to hunt other things, and trick the game :wacko:
  16. Nyte


    A pleasant surprise doing an offline caves run today.
  17. Nyte


    @Harborer of Hope Thinking back, when the feature was first implemented I played quite a lot, over multiple accounts (accounts had a 4 character limit then) It would be cool to be able to select a range of dates back then and see eh?
  18. Nyte


    Thank you, Mew. I am humbled by the praise. I did logon this morning and chat with Kai. Appears we are in the same time zone. Hurrah!
  19. Nyte


    Looking good, team.
  20. Nyte

    What are you listening to?
