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  1. X

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I think a lot of us just wanted to confirm that it was Kondy trolling and not an error in the code or something. Thanks for clearing it up.
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    Open Mic

    Maybe we should move the topic off unlocking weapons for now since Soda made it very clear he wasn't going to do that. (And even if he was, there are plenty of weaker locked weapons he could start with than Flow.) Also, the 'competitive' scene is not in a vacuum. These changes would affect...
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    S> 50h Arrest Raygun/Transvestite Plate

    Re: S> Frozen Shooter 20/30/0/0.20, other things I have a hell ray gun of 30 and 35 hit for sale if you're interested.
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    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Woo, 2nd of the event!
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    Open Mic

    I'm really liking anime's suggestions, and I'm also of the proponent of keeping things close to the original.
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    B>v101 & T>Frozen Shooter

    Re: B>Last Swan & T>Frozen Shooter + Other Stuff What's the price of the mind mag?
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    Ephinea Drop Chart (Updated: 10/10/2015)

    Not that I personally care, but was it intentional to revert the Red Ring compromise from earlier?
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    Looking for a team

    Hello all, just got my first character to ultimate and thought it's about time I find myself a team to join. My main character is a yellow RAcaseal (Ruvelia), though I also hope to start leveling a FOnewearl at some point. My main goal at the moment is getting a frozen shooter, and longer term...
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    Re: ANIME SHOP What's the price for a v502?
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    PSO POET Society!!!

    The cream of the crop: The best red is for the shop: You got 'photon drop'.
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    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Found a pair of stink frames while hunting boxes in VH PW3. First was min stats, the second was about 5-10 off of max for both def and evp.
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    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    I'm curious, now many runs did it take?
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    Hardcore mode is now LIVE!

    Can a hard mode character share your account bank with your other characters? If so, the choice of wanting to stack your hm character at the risk of losing all the cool things if they die. Edit: Nevermind just realized that it is a hard mode account, not character.
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    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Lol, I think the game is telling you to make a force.
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    Death Penalty

    This game is 16 years old, I sincerely doubt the community will get better at the game with a harsher death penalty. This game is already filled with plenty of frustration from rare item hunting. I personally don't mind the current penalty of 5/1 because it only REALLY hurts for solo play (which...
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    Death Penalty

    Between this and the whitill red ring issue, I'm really liking the direction soda and the others are taking discussions on the forums. Best part is that this and the pso2 drop system really help out the multiplayer experience for me. (I used to be a heavy solo player just because as a ranger I...