Search results

  1. Archivebit

    PC> Vjaya [0/0/0/0|50]

    I paid a POSS and 15pd for this exact stat.
  2. Archivebit

    PC> Vjaya [0/0/0/0|50]

    I bought an exact 0/0/0/0|50 a few months back. Let me find what i paid.
  3. Archivebit

    PC > Dark Flow [30/25/0/0|70]

    Lol Id say north of 140pd. It already has decent starting % for sphering and its at the min requirement for people to really want it. If i swapped to this id save 200pd or so in fully sphering vs my current low % 75hits. Ive had offers semi recently on my 75h for around 180 to 200pd. People...
  4. Archivebit

    S> srank Demons Mechgun

    Insane this hasnt sold at 12pd. S rank cartel D:
  5. Archivebit

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Congrats!! Now im not the only one with a 45hit excal :). You going to add native?
  6. Archivebit

    Archivebits Locker CLOSED

  7. Archivebit

    Meow <3

    Meow <3
  8. Archivebit

    B> Zanba 40+hit

    30h yun is still valuable. But just not anywhere close to zanba 40h
  9. Archivebit

    B> Zanba 40+hit

    Depends on the srank and the name. But demons mechs and hell jcutter with generic name would be correct to say cost of special and +9 for cost of wep.
  10. Archivebit

    Hi <3

    Hi <3
  11. Archivebit

    PC > ME/mechs 40h

    18. There's a few for sale at 18 to 20
  12. Archivebit

    It's been great everyone, Thank you.

    A final bump to this thread. Ive given my login information to friends. I havnt played more than 4hrs since making this thread...its been fun guys.
  13. Archivebit

    B>Dragon Scale & M&A60 Vise (closed)

    I have a scale for 5pd
  14. Archivebit

    pc>0/20/0/0/20hit HS

    The one with native will go for a bit more. This one maybe 80pd to 99pd?
  15. Archivebit

    PC > Yunchang [40/0/40/0|40]

    Id also say about a stack.
  16. Archivebit

    S> ARREST J-Cutter (no special) - 9 PD

    Only with special is needed for drop trade i think.
  17. Archivebit

    S>Excalibur 100/0/0/0|45

    That's a good idea. Worth looking into
  18. Archivebit

    S>Excalibur 100/0/0/0|45

  19. Archivebit

    S>Excalibur 100/0/0/0|45

    Sadly it looks like it will be hard to get even it's sphere value I put into it in PD.
  20. Archivebit

    S>Excalibur 100/0/0/0|45
