Search results

  1. diemildefreude

    SOLD A> Spirit Vulcan + 1 0/0/0/0/85

    That may be, but at the time of my bid it was 1pd. Changing it before anyone bids is fine but once someone bids you can't change the conditions.
  2. diemildefreude

    SOLD A> Spirit Vulcan + 1 0/0/0/0/85

    If memory serves, the original countdown was also different- 72h iirc.
  3. diemildefreude

    Question: Is there a way to play the story?

    Yes, progress is also saved per difficulty so that might be it.
  4. diemildefreude

    Question: Is there a way to play the story?

    Are you talking about the government quests accessed from Momoka in the Principal's office? If so... No. You have to create a new party each time. As long as you talk to Tyrell and then Momoka to end the mission, your progress should be saved on that character. Are you perhaps trying to...
  5. diemildefreude

    A> レッドリング Red Ring (DFP+51 EVP+5) DONE

    Ryojin is the winner. We really let this man rob a bank.
  6. diemildefreude

    A> レッドリング Red Ring (DFP+51 EVP+5) DONE

    CHB. About 7 hours remaining.
  7. diemildefreude

    A> レッドリング Red Ring (DFP+51 EVP+5) DONE

    最低入札 Reserve: 65pd カウントダウン Countdown: 24h リセット時間 Reset: 24h 使用可能交渉言語 available trading languages: EN JP DE FR ID
  8. diemildefreude


  9. diemildefreude

    A>ヒート ディスカ Heat Diska [0/0/0/0|80] CHB: 15

    Reserve and countdown lowered
  10. diemildefreude


    new offer
  11. diemildefreude

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    Oh, I don't work here. I'm just a helpful passerby.