Search results

  1. diemildefreude

    A> Rainbow Baton レインボーバトン +24 [0/0/0/30|80] CHB: 65PD

    And the winner is @Serenade @ 65PD!
  2. diemildefreude

    A> Rainbow Baton レインボーバトン +24 [0/0/0/30|80] CHB: 65PD

    CHB. Less than 24 hours remaining.
  3. diemildefreude

    A> Rainbow Baton レインボーバトン +24 [0/0/0/30|80] CHB: 65PD

    CHB. Auction slated to end 72 hours from Andre's first bid.
  4. diemildefreude

    A> Rainbow Baton レインボーバトン +24 [0/0/0/30|80] CHB: 65PD

    使用可能交渉言語 available trading languages: EN JP DE FR ID Discord: diemildefreude Reserve最低入札: 35pd Countdown カウントダウン: 72h Reset リセット時間: 24h
  5. diemildefreude

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Thanks to @Ade , Rico0you, and @DELTRON ZERO . Praise to RNGesus.
  6. diemildefreude


  7. diemildefreude


    A delayed welcome to new V.I.N. @DELTRON ZERO .
  8. diemildefreude

    PDA: Demon's Diska 55 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100% Hit - CHB 300 - FINISHED

    Indeed, Reverend. May our efforts aid Brother Ade in rediscovering his faith... and his joy. Praise to RNGesus. 300pd.
  9. diemildefreude

    PDA: Demon's Diska 55 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100% Hit - CHB 300 - FINISHED

    My fellow garbo-lovers. Let us show Ade the value of his sadge-face-rng-roll-wasted drop. 250.
  10. diemildefreude

    PDA: Demon's Diska 55 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100% Hit - CHB 300 - FINISHED

    One man's garbo is another's gorgonzola, Ade. 220 pd.
  11. diemildefreude

    Gold Shop 金口店 (Only purchases of 5+PD | 5PD以上の購入のみ)

    updated. Two lv 30 techs and smartlink added.