Search results

  1. diemildefreude

    B> ロリポップの心 Heart of Lollipop 60PD (DONE)

    使用可能交渉言語 available trading languages: EN JP DE FR ID Discord: diemildefreude
  2. diemildefreude

    A> デルセイバーの剣の心 Heart of Delsaber's Buster (WINNER: syal @ 80PD)

    This dropped for me as soon as Phoinix said the Lord's name. Phoinixが主の名前を言った途端、落ちてくれたのだ。 Reserve最低入札: 70pd Countdown カウントダウン: 48h Reset リセット時間: 24h Accepting 支払方法: -Photon Drops フォトンドロップ -Photon Sphere フォトンスフィア @95PD -Heart of Lollipop ロリポップの心 @ 60PD 使用可能交渉言語 available trading languages: EN...
  3. diemildefreude

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    The AA series *did* award two silver badges, though I think this adjustment was made a few days into the event. I guess you'd stopped playing it by then. What constitutes an area with mediocre drops is somewhat subjective and I would say that a) There are generally good IDs for every area. Of...
  4. diemildefreude

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    Episode 2: Temple and Spaceship are easier than Mines and Ruins. Even in CCA you can do a lot with just a Hell Raygun. Episode 4: Is hard if you're not playing FO, but has gobs of EXP. Anyway, this just confirms that the Forest Frenzy is a comfort thing and related more to how people feel...
  5. diemildefreude

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    As a forest-spammer, what kept you there and what could have gotten you out?
  6. diemildefreude

    A>0/0/15/0/45H Kunai (Done)

    Not if I message you first. (check Discord)
  7. diemildefreude

    Excalibur[0/15/0/0|25] DONE:125

  8. diemildefreude

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    I'm really not sure even removing badge rewards entirely from MAE Forest would have changed anything. Its appeal is more likely due to its ease, familiarity, and the amount of Hidelts for a chance at Sky Badger and Cold Shootman. When I say 'familiarity', I mean that I often meet players who say...
  9. diemildefreude

    A>Hitogata [0/0/0/15|35]
