Search results

  1. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    The auction is over! Thanks for participating. @Firkraag Let me know a time that works for you, my discord tag is Morfin#9463
  2. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    Final Bump Edit: Removed Magic Rock "Heart Key" x2, (Sorry my wants change on a daily basis) About 9 hours remain :)
  3. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    Updated want list: Removed v502, Added Magic Rock Heart Key, Increased pricing of a PS to 97. About 33 hours remain.
  4. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    bump: about 58 hours remain.
  5. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    CHB @Firkraag -- 350
  6. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    CHB: 250 @Firkraag, Let the 72 hours begin. Goodluck
  7. Yueru

    A> L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/20/50] CHB:350 DONE

    Hi, this has been sitting in my bank forever and I don't use it, so I thought I would put it up for auction. CHB: 350 -- Firkraag res: 250pds, countdown: 72 hours reset: 24 hours Wants: Hit Heaven Striker(25h) - 70 {could be higher hit but idk prices very well} PDs - 1 PSs - 97 PHs - 99...
  8. Yueru

    Hi Bee! I hope all is well and happy holidays!

    Hi Bee! I hope all is well and happy holidays!
  9. Yueru

    q.q im back for awhile now, u two come back pls

    q.q im back for awhile now, u two come back pls
  10. Yueru

    Z's Store Front *Temporary Closed*

    Is that kama power mag for Ramarl Mix max still available? If so I would love it! :D edit: I would like that RAcast min max agastya if you still have that
  11. Yueru

    Oh yes

    Oh yes
  12. Yueru

    B > Centurion/Ability

    Hi i have a spare cent/abil if you want it
  13. Yueru

    Yueru's Shitlist {Updated 4/8/17}

    sounds like some good s u c c to me 8)
  14. Yueru

    Post-200 Grind (Level 250)

    If people are worried about the physical number being changed, is it possible to just add another "Tab title" above a players avatar in lobby that displays what level over 200 they are? Say I was level 201, it would display "Yueru Lv:200" then if you would tab to the next title it would display...
  15. Yueru

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    could i buy the 30h berserk arms? (native)
  16. Yueru

    Yueru's Shitlist {Updated 4/8/17}

    Sorry i didnt see your reply! let me know the next time you are online and you can pick it up!
  17. Yueru

    Yueru's Shitlist {Updated 4/8/17}

    Sounds good to me, ill put the v801 on hold until you can afford it, just pm me once whenever you would like to pick up the shifta 29 and v801!
  18. Yueru

    Episode 2 Drop Tables

    God damn Girth couldn't have said it better, pls have my babies!
  19. Yueru

    Yueru's Shitlist {Updated 4/8/17}
