Search results

  1. Yueru

    A> Daylight Scar 0/0/20/0|25 CHB:17

    10 pd
  2. Yueru

    A>Rambling May [35/0/0/0|35] [CHB:35] [DONE]

    CHB and countdown begins!
  3. Yueru

    A>Rambling May [35/0/0/0|35] [CHB:35] [DONE]

    RES: 20 pd Countdown: 48 hr Resets: 24 hr Got this oh so long ago, and it has been collecting dusk in my bank for years. Good luck! Wants: PDs S-rank Arrest J-cutter (with special 80) (without special 30) S-rank Hell J-cutter (with special 80) (without special 30)
  4. Yueru

    B> PGF, ES GUN, Thirteen [DONE]

    Yes I am, I will make a room called "Yueru Trade" PW 1
  5. Yueru

    B> PGF, ES GUN, Thirteen [DONE]

    Hi are you available now?
  6. Yueru

    B> PGF, ES GUN, Thirteen [DONE]

    I am online now, let me know a room name and we can make the trade
  7. Yueru

    B> PGF, ES GUN, Thirteen [DONE]

    Let me know a time that works for you to trade
  8. Yueru

    A> Excalibur 0/15/0/0/20 CHB: 50 PD

  9. Yueru

    B> PGF, ES GUN, Thirteen [DONE]

    Thirteen 2pd PGF - 55 pd ES GUN - 30pd (w/Zalure special 90pd) (Do not care about name) PM me or reply if interested! Thanks!
  10. Yueru

    Hell's Kitchen

    Hi, do you have Spirit Calibur 50/0/50/0/[50] 5 and Hell Calibur 0/50/0/50/[50] 5... I would like to buy them!
  11. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    Congrats TAU! You have won! Thanks to all who have bid. You can pm me here or reach out to me on discord @ Morfin#9463
  12. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    CHB: 236 -- Yuffie Countdown: (12 1/2)~ hours
  13. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    CHB: 205 PD -- Yuffie Countdown has been reset by that bid, and there is now about 23 hours left.
  14. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    No further bids will be accepted from ShadowArtist on this auction. About 24 hours remain. Thanks to all that have currently bid!
  15. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    Well holy crap, yuffie commented as I updated. New CHB: 140 to Yuffie! Thanks!
  16. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    Update: CHB - sam6555 @ 115pds. I am sorry ShadowArtist, I have absolutely no need for Halloween cookies and those are not on my want list... I am accepting your bid at 115 pds aswell. Also, I stated I am only in need of about 20 PCs, it is fine offering more, but please try not to offer more...
  17. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    CHB: Sam6555 - 110 Bidding began at 1:27 am EST, therefore only 37.5 hours remain! Thanks every for your bids so far!
  18. Yueru

    A> Lavis Cannon [0/0/0/0|30], CHB: [251] DONE

    Hi, so I did not get this from this event, however I have gotten this from a Christmas event years ago. It has been in my bank waiting for a syncesta but I really feel like I do not want it. With all that being said I am going to put it up for auction! res: 99pd countdown: 48hr reset: 24hr...