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  1. Jase

    Sometimes people mistake facts for opinion though. :p

    Sometimes people mistake facts for opinion though. :p
  2. Jase

    Newcomer to PSO. What's up?

    Howdy. If you need help or just wanna play keep an eye out for Ellie, Jase, Jace, or Carl.
  3. Jase

    More Character Slots

    For some reason this read like an accusation that I'm pulling this out of my rectum. I recall hitting the down arrow on my keyboard and having more than 4 slots, stopping at 8. Perhaps I'm a multiverse being with recovering amnesia. No it was definitely 8 slots. It was about the only thing I...
  4. Jase

    More Character Slots

    NOTE: Thought this was the ephinea suggestions, woops I'd like to have a few more characters without having to make a secondary account. I was on a private server once before (very briefly, didn't get to play much at all) and it allowed 8 slots. This was a few years ago though. Can't...
  5. Jase

    What? We're on Forbes! :P

    Congrats! Getting recognized on Forbes is awesome!
  6. Jase


    Just to clarify this was not TTF. It was just regular stuff.
  7. Jase

    What are you listening to?

    I'm a major dork. random soundtracks and stuff
  8. Jase


    This is an awesome quote! Hahah! I might use that sometime :x
  9. Jase

    Logitech F310 Gamepad Issues

    Game must not recognize the gamepad. Even on D it's a no go. :/ Oh wells.
  10. Jase

    Logitech F310 Gamepad Issues

    Cool I'll try that tonight!
  11. Jase

    Logitech F310 Gamepad Issues

    I tried that but it's not even registering. It's as if it's not even plugged in once I join a server.
  12. Jase


    I understand. The game I was in was one I made, simply titled "VHard Levels" or something like that. It was me and another guy level 57 just casually going through Forest to as far as our stats allowed. Then a level 174 FO joins, says nothing aside form a Hi smile, and proceeds to just...
  13. Jase

    Logitech F310 Gamepad Issues

    My Logitech doesn't seem to like this game. It worked fine on the SCHTHACK server, but it won't work at all on this one. The most I can do is hit X or Y on the "press any button" screen, and there's a 3-4 second delay at that. After that, nothing works. Any idea what's going on?
  14. Jase

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Best alternative section IDs for a FO that are not Pinkal?
  15. Jase


    I understand not being able to expect people to play how you want, but I think in this case there's a certain level of ethics involved. I mean if I were killing things in one or two hits with RAfoie, and I joined a Very Hard game when I probably should be playing Ultimate, and there were two...
  16. Jase

    Hello there!

    I play FFXIV, but nothing has ever really captured the feel I get from PSO. It's just addicting and satisfying to play. 2 hours in FFXIV makes me feel all tired and stuff. A 20 minute dungeon feels like a 5 hour activity. Like work. I honestly am not sure what it is that makes me play...
  17. Jase


    This is just a small peeve of mine, and I'm not sure if anyone else has encountered this. I don't have a pimped out mag. My first character on this server is not a transferred character and is only level 70 as of the other night. My Mag is around the same level. This means I am slower than...
  18. Jase

    Hello there!

    Character name is Jase (FOmar), and I made a RAmarl named Ellie. Haven't decided yet what I want to play this time around for the HU class. I'm excited though. Haven't had a chance to really sit down and play a lot, but definitely looking forward to playing again and even making new friends...
  19. Jase

    Hello there!

    I used to play PSO way back during the Dreamcast era. I then played PSU on PC slightly, but have always had a soft spot for PSO. The Ephinea server looked great so here I am! I also play Xbox One, PS4, and miscellaneous PC games. Am obsessed with stuff like Star Wars, The Walking Dead...