Search results

  1. Azzy

    Team BoyKisser

    Team OnlyGoobs has been disbanded and Team BoyKisser has taken its place.
  2. Azzy

    A weapon has disappeared

    I know that when you tek an item, it shows up on the Floor reader as an item on the floor (with the special and percents of the result, even if you don't say yes). I don't know the technical details behind tekking, but is it possible that something can go wrong in the process of the addition of...
  3. Azzy

    A>INFERNO BAZOOKA [25/0/0/0|55]

  4. Azzy

    A>INFERNO BAZOOKA [25/0/0/0|55]

  5. Azzy

    A> Heart of Sorcerer's Cane (SOLD 28PDs)

    This might be a little late but I'll bid 28 pds
  6. Azzy

    A>Weapons Bank [DONE]

  7. Azzy

    Azzy's widdle shop

    Bump, shop updated!
  8. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    Thank you @MRV for the successful trade!
  9. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    Closed, I'll send you a message!
  10. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    4 Hours Remaining!
  11. Azzy

    A> Calibur (0/0/35/35| 90 hit) (DONE @3200)

    Congrats :) good luck!
  12. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    10~ Hours remaining!
  13. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    CHB, auction extended to September 4th 1:02 gmt -4
  14. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    CHB, 18 hours remain in auction if no one outbids.
  15. Azzy

    A>Vulcan 90h CHB:3

  16. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    Assuming you mean "Heart of Crazy Tune" CHB @ 325
  17. Azzy

    A>Vulcan 90h CHB:3

    1 pd
  18. Azzy

    [CLOSED] A> Vulcan +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/40|65] (CHB: 725)

    Auction Length: 36 Hours Countdown: 24 Hours Minimum bid increase: 10 pd Reserve: 250 pd Wants: Photon Sphere @ 95 PD Can add (1) Anniversary Plat Badge or SJS for a value of 250PD (or TJS for 275 pd) HEART OF CRAZY TUNE 100 PD
  19. Azzy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread
