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  1. Tsuki

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    Thank you for this wonderful guide! Beautiful, it works perfectly (well, needs some tweaking on controls for the steam deck, but for some mag feeding sessions while away from my PC, it works well enough for now :D ) Thank you so much for this, can't thank you enough. <3
  2. Tsuki

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Waah!! My name showed up in the news ticker!!
  3. Tsuki

    Christmas Raffle [Raffle Has Ended]

  4. Tsuki

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    That took so many many many.... how do people do this a lot to unlock those? omg... But I am getting my first Limiter unlock EVER! I'm proud to have farmed for a Limiter drop and have done 20k kills :D
  5. Tsuki

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    I found a "Christmas Present" drop rather than just a Present. There was a Kalki Kit inside.
  6. Tsuki

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Berserk TypeSH/Shot with 40% hit!! (Ult Present for 40 Coal)
  7. Tsuki

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Got a Photon Crystal from an ULT Present.
  8. Tsuki

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Got a PD from an Ultimate Present! Thanks!
  9. Tsuki

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Might not be much for many, but 2nd run of the Chrimbo event, and I got v801 to drop!! This is my first really nice drop for my FOnewearl, I'm so happy!! I had been trying to hunt those Zu's for like 20 levels now, and I finally got one! YAY! =^^=
  10. Tsuki

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Bonjour équipe Motherbrain. Je suis dans l'équipe Golden en ce moment mais je passe ici pour vous dire bonjour, et je parle Francais, vous pouvez me contacter aussi pour jouer. :)
  11. Tsuki

    HELLO!! Been here for like what, a month??

    Hey there! I finally got around to taking a look at the forums, I've seen many of you in game! Hello, nice to meet you, I am Tsuki, your favorite jester magician. (At least on PSO that is...) I used to play some of this game back in the days on GameCube, but having no friends to play with and...
  12. Tsuki

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    Oh! That's me! I was just perusing the forums this morning and I didn't expect to find a picture of me here! It was a very fun and nice experience, I had never seen Ultimate as stated, since on GC days, I don't think I've made it much futher than level 40 or 50. I am now Level 137 as of this...