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  1. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Progress for today, I'm going to bed, I'll continue tomorrow. Cyan colored, will have Golla as 3rd PB, (So Farlla, Twins, Golla) Raising the DEF is a bit 'difficult' but doable, hopefully I can get it pretty much as desired (60/0/20/120)
  2. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Okie dokie, I'll start working on it asap. As always, if you can provide me with the mag cell by the time the mag is LV50 it makes this a lot faster. (shaves off a few hours of work)
  3. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Yeah, I think a cyan 60/0/20/120 is possible with Twins no problem. I'd raise that for 8 PDs, 10 if you want me to rush order it.
  4. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    It is done! (but it is 4am here so now I sleep a bit XD I'll poke you tomorrow for pickup)
  5. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

  6. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    **Also note to self, taking Screenshots of completed mags 200 to display on my store later. XD**
  7. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    Well, the price check on the wiki says Lv200 or custom mags are worth 8-10 PDs, I suppose also it depends how fast you wanted it? Since it's not a rare color though and I'm not providing the mag cell, I would say I can make you a deal for like 6 pds? Does that sound good? Also, if you happen to...
  8. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    I have a cyan mag somewhere. I can see about raising one with those stats.
  9. Tsuki

    New to server

    Have I seen you in game? I feel like I've teamd up with a Rose... Either way, welcome!! I hope you like it here.
  10. Tsuki

    Overdue Introduction

    Welcome! Hope you like it here, I've been having a great time, everyone is so nice. <3
  11. Tsuki

    staxx's Meta Essentials

    Awesome customer service, fast delivery, 5 stars rated. :) Thanks again.
  12. Tsuki

    staxx's Meta Essentials

    Yup, I'm in game now :)
  13. Tsuki

    staxx's Meta Essentials

    I'll give it a good home then! I'll take it :D
  14. Tsuki

    staxx's Meta Essentials

    That Diska of Braveman is temping me...
  15. Tsuki

    Welcome to the Café Mag Shop!

    いらしゃいませ!! B I E N V E N U E ! !    W E L C O M E ! ! (I would like my own custom picture eventually, this one is temp) Welcome and enter into the Café Mag Shop. I am UTC-6 (Canadian) You can find me in game possibly in a "Café Mag" game lobby while I'm feeding some mags or being AFK... Or...
  16. Tsuki

    When should I be doing the Government quest lines?

    Some enemies in EP2 are nasty business. In general, I find that Episode 2 is much much harder than 1 and 4...
  17. Tsuki

    Welcome to Café Mag!

    A new recently opened up stop for the shopping district aboard Pioneer 2 has recently opened up with a small little Newman handling the business. Café Mag, advertised on a small black board at the entrance is the perfect place to relax, grab a cup of coffee and raise up your pet mags, before you...
  18. Tsuki

    New to Ephinea and PSOBB

    You can also just change your section ID with commands! /modsecid, when under lvl 20, you can pick the ID you like :D
  19. Tsuki

    New to Ephinea and PSOBB

    It's okay, mine are all a variation on Tsuki... I was considering just naming them all Tsuki so I'd be easier to recognize...
  20. Tsuki

    New to Ephinea and PSOBB

    I think I at least saw you in the lobby, welcome back!