Search results

  1. Metaldude

    Closed :D

    No problem! CWood's got a robust stock of mags with those builds so you could pick those all up from him. :)
  2. Metaldude

    Closed :D

    What classes are they specifically playing? Most HU and RA classes can use some variation on the typical 5/150/45/0 setup with some exceptions (mainly HUnewearl), but for FO classes it varies a bit more if you're specifically looking at max-stat/Lv 200 setups. FOnewm, for example, is usually set...
  3. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    I had forgotten to update my listing after selling it recently. Sorry about that!
  4. Metaldude

    S>Small amount of stuff

    I'll take 6 eggs for 2 PDs.
  5. Metaldude

    Adding armor effects?

    Ahh, that's a shame. I know requests have been brought up before to add armor effects, especially EP4's armors but I didn't realize it wasn't possible. Thanks for the answer.
  6. Metaldude

    Lance's First List (WIP) :)

    V501 I'll take this.
  7. Metaldude

    Adding armor effects?

    Is this something that's only handled server side or is this like weapon models/photons where it can be edited and shown on client side? I'm having trouble finding tools for it. I'd like to add an effect to BOVN, mainly.
  8. Metaldude

    0/0/0/0/100 Chaos Diska

    A bit more niche since Rainbow Baton's not the most useful thing ever, but honestly this is such a ridiculous find that there's no reason not to auction this. At least one person out there is going to go nuts for this.
  9. Metaldude


    Lame d'Argent [35/0/0/0|0] - 3 PDs I'll gladly take this off your hands.
  10. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    Getting on now!
  11. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    Star Amplifier x1 - 1PD I'll take this.
  12. Metaldude


    we done bois
  13. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Couple of small updates, mainly 4S Crimson Coat and 15m Red Saber +78 for those Vol Opt p1 locks for 4 PDs total. Also added Bringer's Rifle +9 0h and moved a few things around.
  14. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    Thirteen [6/8 | 7/8] [4S] - 2PD Deband Lv20 - 0.5PD Zalure Lv30 - 0.5PD gimme
  15. Metaldude

    S> Items

    I'll take both of those then. EDIT: Add Diska of Braveman +9 [0/0/0/0|40] -- 3pd as well.
  16. Metaldude

    S> Items

    Striker of Chao [0/0/0/0|0] Solferino [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD for the SoC. Where do you price the Solf at?
  17. Metaldude

    Team FiasCO - We ruined christmas

  18. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Updated this finally.
  19. Metaldude

    Cookie's Bakery - various items, S>500k=1PD

    Be right there.
  20. Metaldude

    Cookie's Bakery - various items, S>500k=1PD

    Lame d'Argent (0,0,0,15) 2PD I'll take this.