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  1. Metaldude

    Revisit the PD rate increase debate.

    Sounds like the answer is to change the meta and start adding those nifty custom items. :lenny:
  2. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Is 2 PDs okay?
  3. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    I'm going to bump this thread. Ahh, there we go.
  4. Metaldude

    PC - excalibur, yasha, sega console mags

    Totally forgot to factor in BOVN in my setup, you are correct.
  5. Metaldude

    PC - excalibur, yasha, sega console mags

    That'd be the price of a Dragon Scale (4-5 PDs I think?) + 3 PDs for a level 200 mag (possibly 4 if you need the stats specifically tailored for your class). 5/150/45/0 covers most classes, but my HUmar specifically uses a 5/144/51/0 mag which is Matt's recommendation.
  6. Metaldude

    PC - excalibur, yasha, sega console mags

    Excal's 5-6 usually. Native % and Hit % can increase its value dramatically since its main purpose is for killing lizards (though it has plenty of other great uses too). Even a 15h Excal shoots up in value significantly, at the very minimum 15 PDs. While high Native % can have a big influence on...
  7. Metaldude

    Old Photon Drop Glitch?

    It also had the unfortunate downside of destroying your Gamecube's disc reader.
  8. Metaldude

    S/limiter x2. CLOSED

    I'll also take a Limiter if there's any left.
  9. Metaldude


    dangit, I really should have closed this up after I bought a V502. Sorry about that!
  10. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    Can always go for a second one of them ;) I should be available for most of today.
  11. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    S-Red's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] - 1PD I'll take this.
  12. Metaldude

    What Demon's slicer option do you like more?

    Unless I had every other S-Rank I could want already, I couldn't justify spending 50 PDs on a Demon's Slicer/J-Cutter.
  13. Metaldude

    PDA 35h MKB

    20 PDs. Here we goooooooooooooooo
  14. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    I'm about to swap over from sandbox to normal in a few minutes for another trade so I'll join you shortly!
  15. Metaldude

    Cookie's Bakery - various items, S>500k=1PD

    EDIT: scratch
  16. Metaldude


    Ice Staff: Dagon [0/10/0/0|0] - 1 PD I'll take this.
  17. Metaldude

    Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

    I'll take those S-Reds.
  18. Metaldude

    S>Small amount of stuff

    S-red arms:1pd I'll take this.
  19. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Updated again. Got a 48/50 DFP 4S Luminous Field up here now along with a 5/147/48/0 Sato among other things.