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  1. Metaldude


    Cannon rouge 0'd 1pd I'll take this.
  2. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Bummer, but I'll still take the c.gats
  3. Metaldude

    Garrus PD trade list (updated August 31st)

    Galatine 35% hit I'll take this for fun. Charge Gatling 50 hit and this guy.
  4. Metaldude

    PC: V101

    15 PDs
  5. Metaldude

    S>Red Ring 14/85 DFP and 7/25 EVP 40PD [SOLD]

    Yep, on and just finished up. Make a game whenever you're ready.
  6. Metaldude

    S>Red Ring 14/85 DFP and 7/25 EVP 40PD [SOLD]

    I'll take this.
  7. Metaldude

    buying red hand gun good hit / redmechgun good hit / master raven gun / trigrinders

    Not super sure on what will qualify as "good" hit for you but I do have a 30H Red Mechgun.
  8. Metaldude

    Noodles Shop: Buy n Sell (20/7)

    Three Seals - 1.5pd or 750k x1 I will acquire this. I can throw in 250k on top of the PD.
  9. Metaldude

    S>stuff (updated)

    At work now, but I can get on later tonight.
  10. Metaldude

    S>stuff (updated)

    Valkyrie [0/0/0/15/35] - 1PD, I'll take this for fun.
  11. Metaldude

    Closed until Easter

    I'll take the Rafoie Merge as well.
  12. Metaldude

    Closed until Easter

    I'll take the Gizonde Merge.
  13. Metaldude

    Sure this has been discussed before but...

    While I won't deny your personal experience, I feel as though there are some misconceptions here. For a frame of reference, MAS spam can get you to Lv 80 in <10 hours (and I'm being supremely generous here; with EXP boost next week it'll be even less) and Lv 110+ in a little extra. A few 30-60...
  14. Metaldude

    Sure this has been discussed before but...

    In regards to your time concern (which I totally get that as a career man myself), there's lots of great ways to blast yourself to Ultimate and get your bread-n-butter gear on the cheap without too much hassle. You can have someone carry you through Max Attack S and Force classes can put...
  15. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    PM'd. Also updated my list. Not too much new here except for: Limiter - 18 PD
  16. Metaldude

    Metaldude's Buncha Nonsense

    Whoa boy, I'm alive again. I'll need to update this list but most of this should still be accurate.
  17. Metaldude

    Maintenance concluded for May 27th, 2018

    Holy shit, a buff to freeze specials? Count me in on that!
  18. Metaldude

    How to Self Resta

    Also note that you can do this on weapon switch as well although it's a bit trickier since you can't use the quick menu to buffer a frame-perfect cast. You'd have to time it on the first available frame. I accidentally do this when trying to cast S/D when switching to Tyrell's.
  19. Metaldude

    Why isn't Zanba usable by female HUs?

    clearly inspired and therefore meant to be used by cloud lookalikes. you dont see tifa running around with buster swords