Search results

  1. Metaldude

    S> Flowen's Sword 3084 (0/0/15/0|40) - done

    I'll take this.
  2. Metaldude

    B>Amp of Gifoie

  3. Metaldude

    B>Amp of Gifoie

    Thread. I'll even take two!
  4. Metaldude

    Hell and Ultimate

    Hell + V502 is going to be reliable on most enemies with <70 EDK. This will cover most common trash throughout all of EP2 (and there's some higher EDK targets worth attempting it on like Pan Arms or Sinow Berrills/Spigells). It's true that it's not quite as useful in EP1 and EP4, but most of...
  5. Metaldude

    B> Meseta 400k:1pd (Closed)

    S>8 mil for 20.
  6. Metaldude

    The metagame, a guide for better play.

    I can't vouch for the exacts but I remember seeing somewhere that it took around 5 DFP = 1 HP reduction in damage. You do get scaling with Deband and against a Jellen'd enemy but HP is a far more efficient way to achieve bulk. At Lv 130 with all HP mats used though, you should be sitting at 1138...
  7. Metaldude

    Pearls Emporium

    Bringer's Right Arm 1pd I'll take one of these.
  8. Metaldude


    I'll take this.
  9. Metaldude

    B> Meseta

  10. Metaldude

    RR- finished

  11. Metaldude

    Jbangalanga's Shop (Updated 11/3/24)

    Rambling May [Chaos] [0/25/0/0|35] - 40 I'll take this.
  12. Metaldude

    A>Morning Glory 65/0/0/15|55

    10, too sexy not to bid on it.
  13. Metaldude


    Bump, still looking for one of these babies.