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  1. Metaldude

    Quick question - Quick answer

    With Matt on this. Get a Fork if you don't have a Hell J-Cutter/Slicer.
  2. Metaldude

    Looking help for Mag guide, Hucat/Hunter...

    HUcast max stat/fewest units recommendation is 5/133/62/0. If you're aiming for a rare mag at level 100, focus on getting the stats to 5/45/50/0 and making sure the right class/ID combination feeds your mag to get it to 100. You can do all antidote/antiparalysis until 50 DEX (whatever gets your...
  3. Metaldude

    Clarification on obtaining Ragol Ring and not "messing up."

    Waterfall Tears is unlocked after completing those (sans Knowing One's Heart).
  4. Metaldude

    B>Frozen Shooter

  5. Metaldude

    Closed for the season

    Added Shifta and Deband 30.
  6. Metaldude

    Quick question - Quick answer

    If your character has been entered into the Season, TTF is not available to play. The VR category may only show up in multimode and not solo if there's quests under it (I don't remember what else is there under EP1).
  7. Metaldude

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You need to complete the respective episode's Challenge Mode (EP1 or EP2) and then select the prize weapon you'd like. Here's the list of those prizes: EP1: EP2: TTF...
  8. Metaldude

    Buying Katanas

    Doing a quick boss fight on seasonal and I'll be right there on Dude Man.
  9. Metaldude

    Closed for the season

    No longer need materials besides HP. Added DoB 35H.
  10. Metaldude

    Buying Katanas

    I can get on for most of today and later tonight.
  11. Metaldude

    Adding More Symbol Chat Slots

    Somehow I have a feeling that this isn't unlike the hardcap on Guild Cards. But if it's doable, I'm certainly on board.
  12. Metaldude


    Sweeto, I'll be on later tonight.
  13. Metaldude

    Buying Katanas

    That’s fine with me.
  14. Metaldude

    Buying Katanas

    I've got a 45h Kusanagi.
  15. Metaldude


    All set.
  16. Metaldude

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yes, each difficulty awards a different amount of points per quest completion. IIRC, it's 1/2/4/6 accordingly.
  17. Metaldude

    S>Last Swan

    Felt like making a separate thread for these particular item(s). Last Swan - 6 PD
  18. Metaldude

    [Seasons] Monthly ID change

    Haha don't worry about it. If you're anything like me when checking new posts, I often miss the previous messages in the process if I read them before.
  19. Metaldude

    [Seasons] Monthly ID change

    Ahh dammit, I was debating if I should have quoted Cassie so the context of my response would have made more sense. I was replying in regards to this: To clarify, I like the idea of a mid-season ID change on top of having a post-seasons ID change as well.
  20. Metaldude

    [Seasons] Monthly ID change

    Technically an ID change is already offered at the end of the season so players can either stick with their current ID or change it altogether.