Search results

  1. Usagi

    Lobby command failure

    This is a known bug I've talked about with some staff, it happens when you time a warp after the /lobby command and warp has been initiated and always crashes on the 2nd /lobby. Very easily reproducible, but does little harm since you were already committed to leaving the game and don't often...
  2. Usagi

    Server maintenance completed for July 6th, 2024

    Funny enough, this was fully explained in the announcement when read.
  3. Usagi

    Pofuilly (and probably Pouilly) slimes unaffected by Technique damage boosting items

    This is a known bug and vanilla; Olga 2, Pofuilly Slime, Pouilly Slime, Vol Opt, EP2 Sinows, and Gi Gue are not affected by tech boosts. CCA minibosses also happen to not be affected by weapon attributes.
  4. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Lots of them!
  5. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Yes, I do. Please let me know when you are available.
  6. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Adjusted prices and added a Syncesta (sold)
  7. Usagi

    I do, reached out to you in message to arrange a time for trade.

    I do, reached out to you in message to arrange a time for trade.
  8. Usagi

    Game crashing, no error messages

    Yes, that's the information I'm looking for. That's a crash while decompressing assets (typically textures). Are you running any custom textures? Is the crash observed when the game is loading an area? If so, which areas? Is this a new or old install of the game? Try a fresh reinstall if you...
  9. Usagi

    Game crashing, no error messages

    Can you check Windows Event Viewer (Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application.) if you see an Error event for psobb, share the fault module path (psobb.exe, ephinea.dll. or what is at the end. full path isnt needed) and fault offset (a hex number that should look something like 0x00000000).
  10. Usagi

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    That's fair, just testing the compatibility. Knowing what doesn't work in advance is good for pointing players to in the future. That being said both MSAA + SMAA options and all options with HSAA have major graphical errors. (As for SSAA, even though i have the processing power; I don't use it...
  11. Usagi

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    Some of the Anti-Aliasing options also cause issues, at least MSAA 4x + SMAA does. I have yet to test the rest however.
  12. Usagi

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    Disabling dinput8.dll seems to fix the crash. Win10, Nvidia card on my side as well.
  13. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Sold 1 Heart of Ancient Saber, 1 remaining. Added v units and PGF
  14. Usagi

    Ladies' Modesty Skins!

    Funny enough, I did nearly the same thing for my own game; using original textures. Here is my FOnny (I also happen to really dislike the original skirt style, so it was to my benefit I was already changing the texture.)
  15. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Bump, figured it was time to bring back my selling thread.
  16. Usagi

    Giveaway: Red Ring* [56/85] [17/25] (Purple Paint)

    My main char is definitely Muffet the HUcassy, but to pay homage to my main character for my entire time on console from PSOv1 to PSOep1&2+; I recreated my long dead main Calumon the HUnny on my [now defunct] HC account. Here are both of them.
  17. Usagi

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Olga 2, Pofuilly Slime, Pouilly Slime, Vol Opt, EP2 Sinows, and Gi Gue are not affected by tech boosts. This is a bug in the same way weapon attributes not working for CCA minibosses is.
  18. Usagi

    What is A Sandbox game?
  19. Usagi

    A> DoB [20/15/0/0 | 70H] CHB: 1550 {DONE}

    1550 pds
  20. Usagi

    A> Gibarta Lv.30 (CHB: 65)

    60 pds