Search results

  1. Usagi

    A>Diska Of Braveman0/0/100/100/65hitDONE

    1200 pds
  2. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    310 pds + 1 adept (valued at 40 pds), 350 pd value
  3. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    270 pds + 1 adept (valued at 40 pds), 310 pd value
  4. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    240 pds + 1 adept (valued at 40 pds), 280 pd value
  5. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    220 pds + 1 adept (valued at 40 pds), for 260 pd value
  6. Usagi

    I can't type not IME logged in all controls work cant type

    Okay, try troubleshooting on your side a bit more, i.e. white list the folder you're installing PSOBB into and not just specific files the antivirus is trying to catch, try controller plugged in/not plugged in, windowed vs virtual fullscreen, heck try both IME on/off. Just make sure you have...
  7. Usagi

    I can't type not IME logged in all controls work cant type

    First I'd double check to make sure IME is not on (grey box not green) BEFORE launching the game. Second, if that was not the issue, I would double check you are tabbed into PSO by clicking on the window; the controller will work when not tabbed into the window, but keyboard will not and that...
  8. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    Might as well make an official bid regardless. Whichever one you choose is my starting bid. 250 pds, or 210 pds and 1 adept (valued at 40 pds), if you'll value it at that.
  9. Usagi

    A> Heart of Flamberge (DONE @ 350)

    Price check on Adept x1?
  10. Usagi

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Only one cookie is needed for the entry for the whole group to run the quest; it is not dependent on the leader paying either, so feel free to make the room with one ID and have another in the group pay for the start of the quest.
  11. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

  12. Usagi

    Quick question - Quick answer

    That is normal, past 200 to see your 'real' exp, a reload of the block is needed.
  13. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

  14. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Can do, what time works for you?
  15. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Can do, I have a few so I'll res one for you. Hope to see you Wednesday
  16. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Hiya, sorry to disappoint but that's under what I'm buying (B>). Before the line breaks is what I'm selling (S>). Thank you for your interest though and good luck.
  17. Usagi

    S> Adept, Dragon Scales, PCs & v801

    Bump> Increasing Heart of Tension Blaster price to 120 pds for a limited time.
  18. Usagi

    Classic Character cannot Join here

    You're most welcome. Hope you enjoy your time with us on Ephinea.
  19. Usagi

    Classic Character cannot Join here

    The hint is the very first thing you read when logging on for the first time on a new character. "Characters whom have participated in games on other ships may not participate in games hosted on US/Devaloka and vice-versa."
  20. Usagi

    Classic Character cannot Join here

    You do not. A Classic Character is always a Classic Character and can only play in the appropriate locations [US/Devaloka]. If you decide Classic Mode is not for you, you can make a new character over your old one; or you can not touch that player slot again and make a new character in a new slot