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  1. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Nothing says "welcome back" like 2 Gi Gue Skyly PDs within 5 runs of each other. Aww yeah, here we go again.
  2. Archvile

    Why do people idle in the lobby so much?

    Between multiple sessions of farming specific items it's nice to take a long pause in the lobby sometimes. Socializing too, hours fly by when you're just chilling with friends talking about anything.
  3. Archvile

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Devil May Cry V and soon, Sekiro Shadows die twice.
  4. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    This is a thing, I suppose! Always liked the design so, my nonexistent HUney shall use them!
  5. Archvile

    Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

    Started on GC around 2004, I was usually playing the game with a friend. I never properly owned a copy of PSO myself. Then in early 2008 I moved to BB and the rest is history. I was never on the official SEGA servers, always was on SCHT even when I was on GC. (which I tried online a few times)
  6. Archvile


  7. Archvile

    S> Grants 29

    Sorry, I don't have it anymore. I ended up giving it to a friend of mine!
  8. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    It's alright...I guess?
  9. Archvile

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Heya, I'd like to make another purchase! I would like to purchase a 185 mind mag, colour is not important as well as a min-max red sato for fomarl! You have me on discord so whenever you are free just message me and I'll log on!
  10. Archvile

    Hello - Returning player

    - Episode 4 and it's items are the biggest difference. Although here Ephinea have it's own drop chart so do not use the PSO-world one. A lot of items from episodes 4 have been moved to ep1 and and ep2 so the endgame isn't just an episode 4 spam (and potentially for balancing reason). - Black...
  11. Archvile

    Ouch, sorry to hear. D: Get well soon, friend.

    Ouch, sorry to hear. D: Get well soon, friend.
  12. Archvile

    Happy birthday anime! <3

    Happy birthday anime! <3
  13. Archvile

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Open the menu and select "Customize" then select one of the action with Enter which will bring up the action list, if you highlight "Monomate", for example, and press the 1 key on your keyboard it will assign monomate to 1. I don't think you can assign those to the controller without the help of...
  14. Archvile

    Quick question - Quick answer

    As a human character you can use 250 stats materials, you've only used 31 so i'm pretty sure you don't need to reset.
  15. Archvile

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Perfect! You can also send me a DM on discord @ Shanaynay#1048 if you prefer! I'm currently online there as well! (:
  16. Archvile

    Quick question - Quick answer

    @ryacca You can reset your mat, while in the lobby, by typing /matreset it will then ask you a confirmation and you gotta type /matreset again. This will not reset your HP/TP mats counts though. (this is separate from stat mats)
  17. Archvile

    Cwood's Mag Shop: LV 200 Sato, Nidra, Rati, Kama, 185 Mind Mags!

    Howdy Cwood, thank you for all the responses to my PMs! I'd like to purchase a 5/150/45/0 cream colored rukmin, if possible! I'm free whenever you have time!
  18. Archvile

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    Wow, I bet he was a DF user too! Wait...
  19. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    10 more until the halfway point to 200.
  20. Archvile

    Captain Tsun’s Treasure Tracker

    :wacko: wow who died tragically?