Search results

  1. Rufus Tsynorca

    What are you listening to?

    Fair warning, this is mildly NSFW.
  2. Rufus Tsynorca

    Looking for an awesome Double Saber!

    Yes, that was a typo, you're right. XD I'm in favour of the Demolition Comet with its set 580 ATP and Devil's. You're also right on the Double Cannon having the same special as Girasole, so it's a natural upgrade there. It's far more expensive to get though, and I'm not sure if it's less HP or...
  3. Rufus Tsynorca

    Looking for an awesome Double Saber!

    Just to expand on what Melirei said... None of the specials on the first 5 weapons are that useful for a HUcaseal, so you're really looking at pure damage. Demolition Comet - 530 ATP (580 ATP w/Grind) - 38 ATA Meteor Cudgel - 300 to 560 ATP (330 to 590 ATP w/Grind) - 42 ATA PSO has the bad...
  4. Rufus Tsynorca

    What are you listening to?

    Such an awesome song. Bears ftw! Little bit of an intro; tune starts properly at 20 seconds.
  5. Rufus Tsynorca

    What's the story behind your name?

    Well, since this is bumped anyway. When I was first starting PSO on another server, I had to come up with a name for my first character. I'd played PSO before on GC and knew what each character could do reasonably well. I decided that I'd be a FOmar with the old face. I decided that my FOmar...
  6. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    That's pretty interesting to know; thanks Ives. There's really no way of knowing for sure what Sega had in mind for the weapon though, so I guess it comes down to whatever the Admins feel is right for it.
  7. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    There's better options than the S-Saber and S-Axe no matter which way one looks at it. Excalibur for example leaves them both in the dust. The only real reason to get either is for aesthetics. This is rather where the idea of a Saber being a Saber, and an Axe being an Axe comes in. I'd also...
  8. Rufus Tsynorca

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I was just messing around in Sandbox mode, seeing what I want my future HUmar to be doing. I couldn't help but notice that the S-Rank Axe has the Saber animation. I was just wondering if there's any chance of giving it the Sword animation, like the Victor Axe and Laconium Axe both have. It...
  9. Rufus Tsynorca

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    That sounds great Spuz, thanks! ^_^ I'll be on in about 10 minutes.
  10. Rufus Tsynorca

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    Hey there everyone. I've only got one character on this server, and he's a bit on the weak side. My Mag is almost done, but it's going to be a long time before I find the remaining 117 Power Mats that I need to get my ATP sorted. I've been managing by using 60% Hit Hell Sniper, 45% Hit Justy...
  11. Rufus Tsynorca

    Negating Player Healing

    And this is why I like conversations rather than flippant comments. You're right, I completely forgot that I could remove the DF effect. I'd remove Grants too iirc, but that's of little consequence really. lol When I suggested the shield, I wasn't necessarily arguing for it, merely thinking of...
  12. Rufus Tsynorca

    Negating Player Healing

    In truth, I just don't like DF. The wave attack is obnoxious, and it's annoying when somebody uses it right in front of your camera; you get a sudden flash of white light and it's not pleasant. However, I have a greater dislike for when I'm trying to keep the other team members and myself...
  13. Rufus Tsynorca

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Hi Spuz, Would there be any chance of me having either of: Sniper +17 [0/0/0/0|60] [Hell] or Laser +25 [0/0/20/30|15] [Hell] I could also do with any Spread Needle and FS. I guess Ryuker would be nice too, just so I don't have to carry Telepipes anymore. lol I feel a bit awkward asking, but...
  14. Rufus Tsynorca

    Items that were just flat let downs:

    Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. lol
  15. Rufus Tsynorca

    Items that were just flat let downs:

    There's one weapon I've always loved the idea of, but is absolutely worthless: Plantain Fan. This is the Wand made from Plantain Leaf and Magic Water. The special attack on this is a gust of wind, which unlike the Plantain Huge Fan (the Partisan), is unreduced. The Plantain Fan's gust of wind...
  16. Rufus Tsynorca

    Account Registration

    Ah, thanks. :)
  17. Rufus Tsynorca

    Account Registration

    I was just wondering about the Registration process. That's where you decide what game mode your account is going to be associated with... but if I were to select Normal, would I then be able to use my same email to make another account in Sandbox or Hardcore later on? Edit: Also, is there any...
  18. Rufus Tsynorca

    Hey there. ^_^

    Hey there Zyn. Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are. lol Thanks Conenubi. You're right of course, this would literally be a new start. It could be rather nice playing again without all the OP weapons and such. Still wanting my Red Saber for my melee FOne. I never did get one, and I SO badly want...
  19. Rufus Tsynorca

    Hey there. ^_^

    Hi everyone. I just happened to be randomly skimming the internet and somehow wound up on the server I used to play on. I read a few topics, and somebody mentioned how this server wasn't a complete ghost town. So I headed on over... and saw names that I haven't in some time... Spuz, Colette...