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  1. Harborer of Hope


    Eeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines wiff a warm giggle~!* LOTS of ppl like yourself tend to often bounce back and forth between the latest and greatest 'other' games out there, It's understandable since PSO is over 23 years old, buuuuut you always seem to gravitate ....back, huh? =3! Welcome to...
  2. Harborer of Hope

    *SQUEEEEEEEE's At Avatar~!* =^n.n^=

    *SQUEEEEEEEE's At Avatar~!* =^n.n^=
  3. Harborer of Hope

    Ep4 noob

    Mew sees your pretty Fembot lurking out in the Fodra lobby all the time~! Now she can 'Pounce' u a greeting without any awkwardness~! XD! Your mew will be moar than Happy to play wiff you and halp facilitate any endeavors you're currently persuing~! Except PWand....Can't tell you HOW many PWand...
  4. Harborer of Hope

    S'ok luv! Mew pretty much lives a 'retired' life as a house cat and has no real 'life' as it...

    S'ok luv! Mew pretty much lives a 'retired' life as a house cat and has no real 'life' as it were.... So others like you who actually has a life can't be expected to just lounge around after midnight just to spend time in a virtual world~! <3! No biggies! You'll get to pounce your mew...
  5. Harborer of Hope

    *MOAR Squeezies~!* ♡

    *MOAR Squeezies~!* ♡
  6. Harborer of Hope

    Another Dreamcast veteran reporting in!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!! *POUNCES and examines Kindjal-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Oh, for certain 'other' games like Destiny, Remnant...
  7. Harborer of Hope


    *Watches thread tapping tiny foot irritably.....* =/
  8. Harborer of Hope

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    She has that "Come with Me, if you want to Live......W....Why are you Staring~?" Vibe~! <3 =3
  9. Harborer of Hope

    Crashes on Mac/Wine After July 6th Update

    Mew doesn't has a Mac buuut she had a similar problem after 'updates' and found for some reason her PC KEPT REMOVING Ephinea off of her 'Whitelist' in her Malware identifications! Not sure if this halps with Mac operating systems...but it's always nice to have a different purrspective in looking...
  10. Harborer of Hope

    Mew will keep an eye out for them~!

    Mew will keep an eye out for them~!
  11. Harborer of Hope

    For Reference, your mew usually logs online at midnight EST everyday to start her 'shift' =3!

    For Reference, your mew usually logs online at midnight EST everyday to start her 'shift' =3!
  12. Harborer of Hope

    Awww? why "someday", dear? Are we not online at the same time to plan to bump into each other...

    Awww? why "someday", dear? Are we not online at the same time to plan to bump into each other sooner~? =3
  13. Harborer of Hope

    Old Player, New Arrival

    EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! *POUNCES and examines Melany-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Mew has a special "word" for you Ultima players when you arrive here......"...RESCUES~! <3!". It's never easy to accept or feel 'ok' with 'starting over'. But yes, at least here your Saga can rise again among...
  14. Harborer of Hope


    Ahhh, Queen. Mew was often known to start singing in lobbies. One of her songs she'd sing when sensing others was a fave.... <3!
  15. Harborer of Hope


    EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines the Gillies-san carefully~!* Aaaaand yet Another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen prey to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Well spoken, luv! Yes, the magic word is "CHARM"! PSO2 just doesn't...
  16. Harborer of Hope

    Back to PSO

    "Most of my runs in TTF were to just help people starting out." Mew ADORES you Already, Dammit~! <3!
  17. Harborer of Hope

    *SQUEEeeeziiies~!* =3

    *SQUEEeeeziiies~!* =3
  18. Harborer of Hope

    Phantasy Star Zero Tribute video

    OHHHH!! THAT'S why some ppl have mentioned HUmarls... ! Mew noticed the little Hottie in the center holding the knives had round ears~! And OMG...TWINKLE STAR~!!!! <3! We really had better Dance moves back then , huh? OK, mew's done geeking out! =3!
  19. Harborer of Hope

    *Starts humming "I'M BLUE Dabba dee dabba dai...." * [MEDIA] <3

    *Starts humming "I'M BLUE Dabba dee dabba dai...." * <3