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  1. Donnie

    The Halloween Event has begun! (ハロウィンイベント開始!)

    I am really having a lot of fun with the event. The few cookies that dropped for me always led to some awesome batlles in those special Halloween missions. Fighting off monsters wave after wave, with that frenetic music and the black & white visuals was a ton of fun. Sadly I still have to find...
  2. Donnie

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Medieval Dynasty looks intriguing. You build up your own village. Can even have wife and kids. They age all in real time. There is crafting and rpg elements to it. All the other npc do age aswell. And at some point the game ends with the Death of your character, except if you have a son or...
  3. Donnie

    [In Development] Project: Pioneer - PSO-inspired Fan Game

    How active is the development? How many people are working on this?
  4. Donnie

    Yep, I got a steam deck!

    Hmm I think I will start a character on classic aswell. Just for fun. If help is needed. Look out for "Don Mania"
  5. Donnie

    It feels good to be back

    It is actually mindblowing to see that many new faces arriving here. And not everyone is saying "Hello" in the forums. So I guess there is quite a player surge going on? Anyways.. Hello Scribe, I welcome you most warmly to Ephinea. It is the best feeling PSO experience that I know of. I was...
  6. Donnie

    Team Somerset

    What does the name "Somerset" mean? Why that name?
  7. Donnie

    New guy on the block..

    Hello old DC comrade, I get what you must be feeling right now. Finally back in PSO. Pioneer 2, Forest, Caves, Mines, Ruins. The nostalgia, the bright memories of past adventures and the thrill of hunting all the red items. Let me tell you Trask / Gabapentin, no private server I have ever...
  8. Donnie

    C Mode - New or Veteran players, anyone interested?

    Alright. Sounds Like fun.
  9. Donnie

    C Mode - New or Veteran players, anyone interested?

    I have almost Zero Experience with C-Mode. Isn´t that about playing through the game on Level 1, with nothing on the bank? Like in one straight playthrough? That in itself seems very time consuming. But please enlighten me, how it really worked and how much time and difficulty this challenge...
  10. Donnie

    Excited to be back at Ragol!

    Wow. That is so nice. The GameCube Version was fire. I loved the 4 Player Split Screen. Welcome to Ephinea. It is a great place with a great community. Hope to See See you online.
  11. Donnie


    I Love the music
  12. Donnie


    I warmly welcome you to our Community. What is your character name in the game? If I meet you online, I will help you as good as I can. Since I am a Veteran since Dreamcast days, it IS super cool for me to meet "new" PSO players get sucked into this gem. PSO was so far ahead of its time, it IS...
  13. Donnie

    Team Somerset

    How many members are in your time right now Brontodox? I might be interested. I won´t stop playing PSO. And when I think about it, being a fresh member of a fresh team, might be more motivating.
  14. Donnie

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I would. But I have always had luck regarding finding Ophelie´s. And on top of that, even without hit, the success rate of that confuse special was very high even on ultimate on no extra hit %. I would maybe not do it, to keep the heaven punisher.. I never found one..
  15. Donnie

    No game ever quite got close..

    Thanks for all of that info. I somehow missed that post of yours at first. I just randomly saw, that you replied last. But in terms of that streaming idea. I think my time doesn´t really allow that. It is all about priority. Many things come first here. I am very happy to spend 30 - 60 minutes a...
  16. Donnie

    Team Monolith

    "Monolith is a team, a family, that like to play together/help each-others and have a pleasant time. We're not aiming to be at the top, we're just playing for the sake of having fun. That's it. Wew. :3" Sounds fitting aswell.
  17. Donnie

    lf a cute team :3

    Nothing beats the"cute little heart with a halo" logo argument. haha xD Negotiation´s over xD
  18. Donnie

    How would you feel about a new Phantasy Star game dropping in the west?

    I have come to peace with the Idea to simply never stop playing PSO. Nothing after it could recreate the feeling. It simply can not be dethroned. Maybe.. maybe if a game can .. nah nothing will arrive that can match it. Nostalgia alone would hinder me.
  19. Donnie

    Red Team - Welcoming All

    Red Team.. hmhm .. it does sound interesting. I have read the first post of this thread. I would not mind the benefits. But since I am quite new to this server, I will first level up some more. And on top of that, it is the only team I have heard of. So I guess you can join only one team at a...
  20. Donnie

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I will try that out. Thanks.