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  1. Donnie

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    The special freeze will be very fun to work with on VHARD. Dont know if that will be enough to freeze ULT Forest though. Still a pristine drop indeed.
  2. Donnie

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    I remember it like it was yesterday, though in fact it was two days ago I think. I came into the Lobby with my rising star „Star Ace“ and was in pure joy to see two of my Team members standing there ready for an adventure with me. Tsuki a level up machine and awesome mage cutie and the great...
  3. Donnie

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    Hello there! I thought It would be funny to create a topic where everyone can upload their winning poses. The ones that come up after the Final Boss Fights!! Maybe also add a little story of the run, or a mention the nice group or nice findings! =) I will be posting one soon. Just wanted to...
  4. Donnie

    Loooong Hiatus!

    Welcome to Ephinea!
  5. Donnie

    Game won't start up because of detected virus.

    I can only repeat myself. Uninstall McAfee and simply turn on Windows Defender. Under Win11 it can also work to right click on the PSOBB exe and go to properties and then make an exemption from there for the antivirus. But maybe that option is only there if Defender is used only.
  6. Donnie

    Game won't start up because of detected virus.

    Whats your OS? Win10 or Win11? Also maybe consider uninstalling your current AntiVirus SW. The Windows Defender is fine enough. Also try to install to a different folder. Under C:/ might be more problematic for example.
  7. Donnie

    Grizzly's Shop

    Heya - that Rayguns looks tasty. Should be great with Parts of Egg Blaster, right? Is that still available? I will hit you up on discord
  8. Donnie

    Sunny D's Vending Machine [Updated: 17/02/25]

    I would like to trade some of your stuff too. Gotta count my PDs first. Eyeing with the Rambling May, the good Yata Mirror, Kusanagi and Ophelie Seize. Oh and that Ruby Bullet. Oh if I have enough, also Support techs on level 30 and a good Gratia.
  9. Donnie

    PSO! Xbox era player coming to play

    Alrighty. Hello there and welcome! Loved the xbox version. The original Xbox had many classics, good times. Hope to see you online Mars ;-)
  10. Donnie


    Hello Ragnarok, I warmly welcome you to Ephinea. I have seen you online already. I hope you have lots of fun and great experiences here. For me, this is the perfect place to be, when it comes to keep upholding the magic moments that only PSO can provide. And I also have learned many new...
  11. Donnie

    Yoho! o7

    Hello there! Nice to have you here Black Deviruchi. An offline mode veteran. I recently met someone meeting that criteria, but I dont recognize you character names in your signature. Nevertheless, GC was a great PSO rendition. The splitscreen MP action was a real novelty. I tought my young...
  12. Donnie


    Hello Z-101, I want to warmly welcome you to Ephinea. A place that IMHO actually manages to create a magical PSO Environment that is very akin to my personal online experiences on the DC, GC, Xbox. For me PSO has found the perfect home with Ephinea. I hope to see you online. Great Idea to keep...
  13. Donnie

    <3 ‍⬛ Miau

    <3 ‍⬛ Miau
  14. Donnie

    Hello There

    Welcome Avee. Hope to see you online. I can relate to everything you wrote there. It was my first Online RPG aswell and is still the only one that motivates me to this degree. Nothing comes even close. I bet you will like it here. It is still having that magic on this server. Community is great.
  15. Donnie

    Asking for prices - MyMostWanted List

    Hello folks, I look for the following items and am not sure about the price: - Dual Bird - Lame Dargent (max 10-20 HIT otherwise too expensive) - Chain Sawd with some HIT - Galatine (with some HIT, or none) - Vivienne (with some, or more HIT) - Demolition Comet (with more HIT) - Orotiagito +...
  16. Donnie

    Greetings friends!

    I really love to see the "younger" generation pick up on this game. There is magic to be had in this game. One of the most fun things for me is, to show the new guys and girls the ropes. Hopefully we meet online Lich. Welcome on board.
  17. Donnie

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I remember seeing Kireek making Combos with his Scythe for sure. At least on the Dreamcast they made combos. Not always, and quite slow too, but they made combos at least. Gotta try the regular missions with Kireekt on Ephinea to see if some things changed. But yeah, a better AI would be...
  18. Donnie

    Server maintenance has concluded for September 11th, 2023 (9/11 サーバメンテナンス完了)

    A big thanks to all administrators keeping this Ephinea Experience alive, functioning and secure. And even making it better with time and keeping it fresh. I bet many people feel like that, even if they do not say so publicly. But PSO is a safe Haven for many of us. Its the one place where I can...
  19. Donnie

    Greetings from a DC player :)

    Welcome HOME. Fellow DC friend.
  20. Donnie

    Team Golden

    Hello BentTinCan. Sorry for the very late reply. Life got in the way. The Team is still alive. But I just returned form a litlle hiatus. Actually I am not sure how active the other Golden Members are atm. I gave administrative rights to another User aswell, so in theory - anything could have...